So, the Housing Law conference is tomorrow, 10 December, and I suspect a swathe of the Nearly Legal contributors will be there. I will, anyway. Naturally this coincides precisely with the House of Lords handing down one of the more significant housing...
Wednesday morning – 9.45am
The House of Lords will give judgment in Knowsley v White; Islington v Honeygan-Green and Porter v Shepherds Bush HA (the tolerated trespasser trilogy) at 9.45am on Wednesday (links to a .pdf).
Catch-up miscellany
Thanks, as ever, to Jan Luba and Nic Madge in Legal Action for putting out notes on cases, including those that don't make the reports. There were a few of those in December's Legal Action that are worth a mention - of course, all I have to go on is the LA...
It's the end of the world as we know it
Housing Minister Margaret Beckett dropped a bit of a bombshell yesterday. The Government has (according to leaks in the Times) responded warmly to a CIH proposal to end secure and assured tenancies as we know them and replacing them with fixed term contracts...
New PRS Report
Ok, I'm angry again. It's really out of character as I'm usually very mild mannered. Here's a question: what do you do if you've paid a group of people over around 10 years to come up with a series of proposals to regulate renting relationships (ie the Law...
Starting on Monday
A big week for housing law next week. The House of Lords is hearing Knowsley Housing Trust v White [2007] EWCA Civ 404 (tolerated trespassers and assured tenancies in the context of a preserved Right to Buy) Porter v Shepherds Bush Housing Association [2008]...
Transferred Trespassers
As it stands, Schedule 11 of the Housing and Regeneration Act will end the existence of tolerated trespassers who meet these conditions: (i) the home condition is met (ie that the dwelling house remains the ex-tenant’s only or principal home). (ii) the...
CBL Guidance – More Thoughts …
Well, Nearly Legal asks and the CLG deliver. We posted a note on 12 August, when not much was happening, asking why the new CBL guidance hadn't seen the light of day (with some scurrilous thoughts), and a couple of weeks later it was published (link here)...
Choice Based Letting Guidance
The Department for Communities and Local Government has released new guidance for local authorities in regard to the operation of choice based lettings (CBL) schemes. This link is to the PDF of the Guidance. A post with an initial consideration of the...
Why are we waiting?
Now that it's the silly season and there's not much happening out there, there's an opportunity to reflect on what's not happening with the Code of Guidance on Choice-Based Lettings, or more accurately, why it hasn't been issued. Is CLG on the naughty step?...
Housing and Regeneration Bill
The Housing and Regeneration Act has now received royal assent. A full history of its passage through Parliament is here. 24/7 - the full text of the act is now up on the OPSI site [pdf]
Faarah Allocation Appeal
This was a judicial review against Southwark's allocation policy, reported in this post, which Southwark, rather surprisingly, appealed. Faarah, R (on the application of) v London Borough of Southwark [2008] EWCA Civ 807 was the result. The issue was the...