Where a landlord already has a possession order for rent arrears, but then seeks a warrant also on the basis of anti-social behaviour, the usual route has been for the landlord to ask the court to consider whether the warrant should be stayed in light of the...
Whose windows are these?
As should be well known, when it comes to landlord's repairing responsibilities, an awful lot depends on the wording of the tenancy agreement. See for example, Welsh v Greenwich LBC (2001) 33 HLR 40 CA line of cases where a tenancy clause committing the...
In the county courts – succession, possession and warrants
Our thanks to the Housing: Recent Developments team in the July/August Legal Action for notes on these two cases. Lambeth LBC v Casey County Court at Clerkenwell and Shoreditch, 5 June 2019 Ms C had succeeded to the tenancy of a two bedroom flat. Lambeth...
We need to talk about claims farmers…
This is something I've been mulling over for a while, and have sounded off about in conversations, but the ongoing proliferation of housing disrepair claims farmers (and associated solicitors) has pushed me to go public with something of a rant. A justified...
Hypothetical bedrooms
The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions v Hockley & Anor (2019) EWCA Civ 1080 If you can only actually fit one child into a bedroom and you have two children, how many bedrooms should you be allowed under the bedroom tax regulations (Regulation...
Too late to waive
Yildiz v London Borough of Hackney (2019) EWCA Civ 1331 Where a tenant has succeeded to a secure tenancy on the death of the former tenant, and the landlord seeks possession on the basis that the property is under occupied, there are time limits on when and...
When is a licence a secure tenancy?
Mohamed v London Borough of Barnet (2019) EWHC 1012 (QB) Ms M was placed in temporary accommodation by LB Barnet following a homeless application. Barnet found her to be intentionally homeless but continued to provide accommodation under Children Act 1989....
Second possession orders and estoppel
Salix Homes v Mantato (2019) EWCA Civ 445 A court of appeal decision on a first instance application, where the main issue was whether, given an historic possession order, the landlord could bring fresh possession proceedings. Mr Mantato was Salix Homes...
Of new tenancy terms and unfortunate neologisms
It has been almost four years since Karen Buck MP, Justin Bates and I first conceived of the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Bill (version 1), and it has been quite the rollercoaster since then. Now, as of today, 20 March 2019, the Homes (Fitness for...
In case you needed reminding (and don't worry, there will be another reminder), the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018 comes into force for new tenancies this coming Wednesday, 20 March. Our thumbnail guide is here and some thoughts on 'fitness'...
Bits of news and things to respond to.
Assorted things... MHCLG have published guidance for tenants, landlords and local authorities on the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018 - or as they call it, 'the Homes Act'. There are separate guidance documents for tenants, landlords and local...
Possession and the PSED
In Powell v Dacorum BC (2019) EWCA Civ 29 and Forward v Aldwyck Housing Group Ltd (2019) EWHC 24 (QB), the question of the effect of the public sector equality duty under s. 149, Equality Act 2010, on possession proceedings where there had been drugs...