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Housing Law Conference clash


So, the Housing Law conference is tomorrow, 10 December, and I suspect a swathe of the Nearly Legal contributors will be there. I will, anyway. Naturally this coincides precisely with the House of Lords handing down one of the more significant housing related judgments of recent times on the tolerated trespassers cases, as we noted a couple of posts ago.

Thusly tomorrow may prove to be a test of both my mobile blogging kit and instant judgment digestion abilities. But should either fail – and given that this will be a day rammed to the gunwales with housing law goodness in any event – you may have to wait till thursday for reports on the Lords judgment.

Giles Peaker is a solicitor and partner in the Housing and Public Law team at Anthony Gold Solicitors in South London. You can find him on Linkedin and on Twitter. Known as NL round these parts.


  1. Cait

    Any sign of it yet?
    Not *everyone* is at the conference surely :(

  2. J

    @ Cait – most of the NL team were there! NL will be doing the tolerated trespasser trilogy. I’ll be doing Sportelli (a much less exciting – but still important – case about enfranchisement).

    It may be a few days until they’re up though. Sorry.

  3. NL

    A few days! I can do better than that – headlines up now, details tomorrow.

  4. J

    Bah – you’re shaming me! I’ll just have to work harder.

  5. NL

    Heh. Surely just giving yourself a sensible deadline that you can come in early on…

  6. J

    Well – given the poor state of my memory, as demonstrated at the conference, perhaps I should take a break for a few days and then do the reports. For some reason, I suspect more people will want to read your one than my ones on enfranchisement and service charges…

  7. Cait

    Yay thanks folks.
    I did see the GCN one (and muttered smugly about northern contributors) but I really appreciated the above summary.



  1. Tolerated trespassers judgment | News | Garden Court North - Garden Court North Barrister Chambers - [...] > Nearly Legal blog this judgment [...]

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