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disrepair quantum

Tales from the County Courts – housing conditions quantum, proof of notice of defects, and section 21 and gas safety certificates again

Three county court cases - all first instance judgments and non-binding, but each of interest, including the first two fitness for human habitation decisions that have come our way and a complicating decision on gas safety certificates and section 21...

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Repairing the caselaw on disrepair

I don't think it is unfair to say that disrepair is not always viewed with great enthuiasm by practioners of housing law. So, I am going to plead with you all to stick with this post of mine even though on reflection it is far longer than I would have liked....

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Rising Damp

There is reason for Rigsby to look worried in Uddin & Anor v LB Islington (2015) CA Civ Div 10/03/2015 [Lawtel note only so far.] This was Islington's appeal of a first instance decision awarding the tenants damages for breach of repairing obligations....

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