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NFN? On the naughty step

May I introduce Mr Trevor Hobden, lately of Canada House Partnership, Grammar School Road, North Walsham, Norfolk and lately a solicitor. Mr Hobden is to be noted for his balanced approach to billing. Mr Hobden has been struck off the roll and will have to...

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The lost, confused and angry*

* as one of our commentors put it. As the sumer hiatus grinds on (summer- ha!) and we sit on the beach awaiting the return of the intermittent flood tides of housing cases, I was prompted by M's comment to delve through the rock pools of our search logs for...

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Way beyond the Naughty Step

Some private landlords treat tenants as a nuisance. A sitting tenant can get in the way of a quick deal or reduce the value of a property on which the landlord is hoping to make a quick buck. Thanos Papalexis found himself in this situation when Charalambos...

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Taxonomic revamp

As our archive has grown, I've tried a few ways to make it easier to find what people may be looking for. I brought in tags for posts, which should bring up other posts with similar issues (always assuming we've been consistent in the tags we use) and I've...

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On the Naughty Step

Our non-lawyer/law student readers, or even non-barrister readers, might have to forgive us for this for this Naughty Step, but it was too good to resist, particularly for those of us - i.e.  me - still newly qualified enough to harbour memories of their...

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On the naughty step

For this Naughty Step, we're going trans-atlantic. A warm welcome to the Step for Horizon Group Management, a property owner/management firm from Chicago. Horizon cannot be said to lack a pioneering spirit (or, as we shall see, a snappy way with a soundbite,...

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Mutual appreciation

Tessa Shepperson's Landlord law blog has been up since February 2006, predating us by four months. The name is slightly misleading - Tessa deals with residential landlord and tenant matters and has much to say of interest for private tenants as well as...

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