So, while we wait for some more housing judgments (and they are coming. Austin v Southwark LBC is being heard in the Supreme Court tomorrow - Wednesday 21 April - and Thursday, for starters), I thought we might take a look at the main parties' manifesto...
On the naughty step – there’s not an app for that
I have an iPhone (a 3GS, since you asked) and I like it. No, let's be honest, I love it with a passion bordering on the indecent. So when I saw a note on Roll on Friday which said that there was now an iPhone app "which enables users to access the current...
On the naughty throne
Being constitutionally unable to resist the temptation to indulge in a spot of lèse majesté, Nearly Legal is pleased to be able to threaten Her Majesty with a spell on the naughty step. Not for being a hereditary monarch - that is a little outside our remit...
Undue restriction
We at NL try to keep up with the cutting edge of human rights law, even when it is a little uncomfortable. But hitherto undreamt of vistas of potential challenges opened up when we read this account of the complaint of Count Alfons Mensdorff-Pouilly, of...
Legal Aid enters its Bến Tre period
The Ministry of Justice response to the 'Legal Aid: Refocusing on Priority Cases' consultation is now out, with the MoJ's final proposals [link to pdf]. Although the responses to the consultation appear to have been pretty universally negative, the MoJ is...
Legal Action – Guest Post by Jan Luba and Nic Madge
We have had a request from Jan Luba QC and HHJ Madge who, as I'm sure you all know, edit the 'recent developments in housing law' updates in Legal Action each month. They are looking for feedback on the updates, so we are happy to help with a guest post......
New server – all done
The transition hopefully appeared to be seamless, although there was a certain (considerable) amount of behind the scenes swearing. We are now on a larger and probably faster server. Our very grateful thanks to Tessa Shepperson of the landlord law blog who...
Moving Home
We're changing servers over the next few days. Hopefully you won't see too much disruption, but there is always the chance things might go horribly wrong. So if the site vanishes, don't panic, it should be back in about 3 or 4 days. Email may be iffy too....
Jackson: the waiting begins
'What!' I hear you say, 'wasn't the final Jackson report on costs released on 14 January?' Why yes it was. All 584 pages of it. But amid the headlines about scrapping CFA success fees and recoverable ATE insurance premiums, introducing contingency fees, and...
On the Naughty Step
And what a thoroughly deserving new entrant to the roll we have in Anthony Carroll, apparently known as 'Uncle Tony', although 'Uncle' to whom and whether any Godfather style references were intended is not at all clear. Mr Carroll is a Nottingham based...
It's a confused world out there…
And for the new year, it seems an opportune moment to delve into the Nearly Legal search logs in a vaguely quixotic attempt to provide answers to some of the questions that brought people here. Alternatively, where this is not possible, we can stare in mute...
That was the year, that was…
But we're not going to do a 'roundup of the year' kind of post. It is all searchably there and anyway, we've already linked to one (although it is probably subscribers only by now). Instead, I just wanted to gaze at our collective navel a little and say a...