We have been blogging lately about costs in settled JRs and S.204 appeals (see here and here) and we can now report that the Admin Court Office has published guidance on costs following settlement of JR claims, which can be found in this link. The guidance...
Outsourcing marketing. How to look ridiculous.
To return to a theme discussed here, 'guest post' search engine optimisation is, at best, a dubious, not to say scummy, way to go about things. I get 4 or 5 'guest post' proposals a day, but today brought a classic of the genre. ghulam@webmasterseye.com To:...
Partial Regulation Partially Begins
We have previously commented (fairly negatively!) on the plans to introduce compulsory membership of redress schemes for lettings and property management agency work which appeared at the last minute in the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013. Slightly...
A rose by any other name…
The First Tier Tribunal (Property Chamber) is a grand title but suffers the fatal flaw of lacking a suitable three letter abbreviation (recursively, a TLA). Unlike LVT, there is no easy way to refer to the new Chamber, at least not without gabbling and/or...
Do you have a Right to Rent?
The Government has today published the Immigration Bill in the Commons. We have previously commented on this planned bill and we had been hoping that it might be quietly shelved or downgraded. However that appears not to be the case. From our point of view...
A Shakespearean review
I wonder if I could beg your indulgence while I ride a small hobby-horse of my own. As well as being a (sadly occasional) blogger here at NL, I have other hats. One of those hats is as a champion of open data and in that capacity I sit on a body known as the...
The Lord Chancellor must resign
Don't post in anger, I resolved many years ago. Wait for calm and let any fury in the writing be calculated, I thought. It was, and is, a wise rule. But today I am prepared to make an exception. Today was the day a Lord Chancellor made a public announcement...
Down time
The NL site has been hacked. Apparently it is a widespread hack against WordPress sites (the blogging platform we use) and even though the site was up to date and secured, they got in. The site will be messy for a little while as I put things right. [Update...
Job Ad
Tower Hamlets Law Centre is seeking a skilled housing specialist to join its busy housing team at its offices in Whitechapel. The successful applicant will need to have proven skills as a housing practitioner, effective communication skills and experience of...
JR and Costs
A quick note on a recent judgement of the Court of Appeal on an application for costs following a settled judicial review: Emezie v SSHD. The Appeal was brought by Ms Emezie against Mostyn J's dismissal of her application in the High Court, which followed...
What Barclay did next
As regular readers will know, the NL naughty step posts are not restricted to housing law, though tend to have a legal connection. It is just a question of who might attract our attention at any given moment for the right, or rather wrong reason.. Every now...
A lesson in professionalism
We get a lot of requests for information or advice on NL. This one was special. From Mike M[...] Email xxxx@cardiff.gov.uk Message intentionally homeless for abandoning suitable accommodation, looking for caselaw on this subject From: Nearly Legal Sent: 30...