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We’re on a break

You may have noticed a lack of posts, despite cases awaiting writing up like the relief of Ealing, or the 18 month rule in s.20B also applying to 'on account' service charge demands, or legal costs on relief from forfeiture. But reports are going to have to...

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Job ads – N and SE London

SSP Law Finchley We are a firm specialising in Housing and Property Law established for 12 years and currently have our Lexcel accreditation pending. We pride ourselves in our inclusive and diverse culture and our strong links with the local community. We...

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  Ten years. Ten whole years. That is how long this site has been in existence. Yet still we stagger on, despite bits falling off and the east wing giving way. Variously heralded as 'irreverent, comprehensive and up to date' by the Judicial Training...

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O Tempora O More*

Older readers may recall the saga of Charles Henry & Co (aka Legal Action. No, not that Legal Action), the pretend solicitors, run by Kevin Gregory.  See chronologically here, here, here and here. That calamity is still playing out, with both Charles...

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Job Ads – London various

Housing Advice, Support & Guidance Worker  £25,697-£26,697 pa plus excellent benefits Islington, London Closing date: Monday 1st February 2016 at 9am We’re looking for a results-driven individual with experience of providing specialist level housing...

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Fugit inreparabile tempus*

As 2015 comes to a dark, stormy close, with the roof making ominous noises and the sofa surrounded by sandbags, it is with a grim inevitability that we come to the 'end of year post'. The end of the year may customarily reek of gin and regrets, a time of...

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New home

Apologies for any disruption you may have encountered in getting to the site over the last day. We have moved to a new server (again, courtesy of the lovely Tessa Shepperson of Landlordlaw, who very generously provides our hosting for free). The new server...

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