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My Left Shin

In years to come, we may all wonder what all the fuss was about, but Tuesday's judgement in R (Public Law Project) v the Secretary of State for Justice  has provided some relief and not a little amusement to legal aid practitioners girding themselves for yet...

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Ebooks! (Maybe)

I've been playing around with the idea of turning some of the NL archive into ebooks, so that they are available offline. In fact I've been playing around with ways of doing this. Unfortunately, after considerable installing and uninstalling, tweaking and...

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Declining gracefully

In honour of our 8 year anniversary, and in the temporary absence of any interesting case law, I am considering commissioning a suitable bas-relief. The classicist in me fancies something like this:   Because this is more or less exactly how I knock out...

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What’s another year*

Astoundingly, the blog is now 8 years old. Apart from being generally glad that I'm still going, and that the blog is too, I'm genuinely not sure what I think about that. Put as bluntly as that, it seems like a long time. Still, here we are, some 1779 posts,...

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Give us* your ******* money

At least a few of the NL team will be doing the 2014 London Legal Walk. The walk is a well established event to raise funds for the London Legal Support Trust. This is an independent charity that raises funds for free legal advice services in London and the...

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