Having previously suggested the possibility of Ebook versions of our archives, I have been technologically frustrated in bringing this about (in the sense that it is probably do-able but would take up a large amount of my time and an investment in software...
Technical hitch for Internet Explorer users
[Edit 23/09/14 - temporary fix - use the print button now added at the bottom of each post. This works safely.] Sorry to anyone already affected by this, but it appears that trying to print from this site in Internet Explorer to a laser printer causes the...
Odds and Sods
A few bits and pieces, none of which are worth their own post, including a couple of updates on old 'friends'. First, as you have probably noticed, the blog has had a redesign (yes, another one). There are a couple of reasons for this: partly for a more...
My Left Shin
In years to come, we may all wonder what all the fuss was about, but Tuesday's judgement in R (Public Law Project) v the Secretary of State for Justice has provided some relief and not a little amusement to legal aid practitioners girding themselves for yet...
Mitchell-Game, Set and Match?
The eagerly awaited Court of Appeal judgement in Denton & others v TH White Ltd & others was handed down on Friday. Dyson LJ provides a careful methodology on the approach to applications for relief from sanctions under CPR 3.9, with the aim to set...
Ebooks! (Maybe)
I've been playing around with the idea of turning some of the NL archive into ebooks, so that they are available offline. In fact I've been playing around with ways of doing this. Unfortunately, after considerable installing and uninstalling, tweaking and...
Declining gracefully
In honour of our 8 year anniversary, and in the temporary absence of any interesting case law, I am considering commissioning a suitable bas-relief. The classicist in me fancies something like this: Because this is more or less exactly how I knock out...
What’s another year*
Astoundingly, the blog is now 8 years old. Apart from being generally glad that I'm still going, and that the blog is too, I'm genuinely not sure what I think about that. Put as bluntly as that, it seems like a long time. Still, here we are, some 1779 posts,...
If you are seeing this…
If you are seeing this post, then the change to the new server has been successful. If you aren't, then it may take a little while to kick in....
Server shifting – a new home
I'm moving the blog over to a new server this weekend. With luck, you shouldn't notice anything at all, but just in case things go horribly wrong and you have problems accessing the site, it should all be done by Monday. Or I will be a frenzied,...
Give us* your ******* money
At least a few of the NL team will be doing the 2014 London Legal Walk. The walk is a well established event to raise funds for the London Legal Support Trust. This is an independent charity that raises funds for free legal advice services in London and the...
Let’s all talk about Wales
We don't often publicise events here, but given that this one involves at least couple of the NL team, we are damn well going to. Housing Law: The Welsh Devolution Effect 1st May 2014 Cardiff Law School, Museum Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3AX A one day...