There are two new First Tier Tribunal bedroom tax appeal decisions on the FTT decisions page, at the bottom. One from Liverpool and one from Edinburgh. Both are Article 14 discrimination based, with disabilities meaning a bedroom could not be shared, one...
Blow the rent, have another egg nog
Hammersmith & Fulham Council have come up with a novel way of angering their tenants. Faced with a substantial rent arrears problem, with a reported 46% of tenants in arrears (what with the bedroom tax, the end of council tax benefit and all), H&F...
‘Gorry’ Regulations Guidance
In other bedroom tax news, the DWP has issued a Circular to Local Authorities on The Housing Benefit and Universal Credit (Size Criteria) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2013 - the new regulations implementing the Gorry judgment on LHA and housing...
Not home alone.
A quick note on a succesful bedroom tax First Tier Tribunal decision in Islington. Unfortunately there is no statement of reasons [Update 21/01/2014 - Statement of reasons and adviser submissions are here] and the decision notice, which I have seen, says...
A bit too unrestrained
Emery v Wandsworth LBC (2013) QBD 14 November 2013 [not reported elsewhere, note on Westlaw] This was an application by Ms E for permission to apply to discharge a Civil Restraint Order made against her in the High Court. Ms E had made an urgent application...
Trust No-one
The DWP issued a bedroom tax related circular on 30 October 2013. HB U7/2013. The full text is below. Removal of the spare room subsidy – First tier Tribunal decisions Background 1. Generally local authorities (LAs) initiate appeals to the Upper Tribunal...
The Prevention of Social Housing Fraud Act comes into force tomorrow (Tuesday 15 October 2013) in England only. The text of the Act is here. A key point is the introduction of 'Unlawful Profit Orders', which get around the decision of the Court of Appeal in...
Article 14 in Hereford
A proper note to follow, but there has been a significant First Tier Tribunal appeal in a bedroom tax related case in Hereford. The decision is here (and also on the FTT decision page in the menu above). This is an LHA decision, not on the bedroom tax. While...
The (absence of) reasons in Redcar
You may well have seen or heard press stories on a First Tier tribunal bedroom tax appeal decision in Redcar and Cleveland. There has been a lot of excitable comment about it representing a 'landmark appeal' and 'hope for 440,000 disabled'. Even the tenant's...
Bedroom tax FTT page
As reports of FTT bedroom tax decisions are coming in thick and fast, I've set up a page with a list to keep them in one place. It includes press reports where no decision is available. Significant decisions where a written decision is available will...
Ye’ll tak’ the high road*
As First Tier Tribunal bedroom tax decisions go, this one is a corker. Glasgow FTT has decided that the Regulations as applied to a severely disabled woman who could not share a bedroom with her partner amounted to an unjustified breach of Article 14, read...
And another one…
Another bedroom tax judicial review has just been issued. CPAG are acting in a judicial review by Paul and Susan Rutherford. Their grandson, Warren, suffers from grave cognitive and physical disabilities and requires 24 hour care by at least two people at...