The Evening Standard is reporting the sentencing of the first person under the new anti-squatting provisions in the LASPO Act. Alex Haigh received 12 weeks in prison. Unfortunately Mr Haigh appeared to be unaware that squatting was now an offence and...
Article 8 and Possession
The ECtHR's recent decision in Buckland v UK [updated link to amended judgment 5 October 2012] demonstrates again how wonderfully delphic the subject of housing and Article 8 rights has become. In one sense, the outcome was fairly predictable because the...
JL and the Second Bite of the Cherry
Our previous report on the possession claim in Defence Estates v JL and another [2009] EWHC 1049 (Admin) can be found here. There now follows a judicial review of the decision to enforce the possession order made in that claim: JL v SS for Defence [2012]...
Trespassers and Article 8
Seek and ye shall find. Thanks to Lindsay Johnson of Doughty Street Chambers we now have a transcript of the decision in Malik v (1) Persons Unknown, (2) Reynolds (3) Matthews (0UB00913, Central London County Court, HHJ Walden-Smith). Mr Malik was the...
Double plus ungood
The lovely, smiling Grant Shapps, Housing Minister, who clearly in no way whatsoever wants to distract attention from the recent kerfuffle over his alleged misleading of Parliament through dodgy use of statistics (hereafter Shapptistics), has announced the...
Judicial review of a closed minded appeal
Sharing, R (on the application of) v Preston County Court [2012] EWHC 515 (Admin) [Updated 20 June 2012 to make clear this was a permission to appeal decision, not an appeal hearing] This is by any measure an unusual case. It is a judicial review of the...
Strengthening Powers of Possession for Anti-Social Behaviour
You may recall that, on August 3, 2011, the Government launched a consultation paper on its proposals to introduce a “mandatory power of possession” against tenants who are responsible for acts of anti-social behaviour. On August 15, 2011, following the...
Cohabitant succession
All there is at the moment is a Lawtel note of Amicus Horizon v Mabott and Brand and no neutral citation. It concerns whether Mr Brand was living with Ms Mabott as her husband for the purposes of succcession to Ms Mabott's tenancy: s 17(4), Housing Act...
Disability and possession
This is a short note of O'Connell v Viridian Housing [2012] EWHC 1389 (QB) - it's short because it goes nowhere really and the facts were not exactly great. Ms O'Connell is partially sighted and suffers from depression. She had occupied supported housing...
Housing and Human Rights Round-up Part II
Three more housing-related cases have been decided recently by the ECHR: Bjedov v Croatia (29/5/12) Mrs Bjedov was granted a joint tenancy of a 'specially protected' flat in Zadar, Croatia in 1975 and she became the sole tenant after the death of her husband...
The Unbeatable Litigant in Person*
Birmingham City Council v Richard Lloyd (2012) CA Civ 23 May 2012 (On Lawtel but not on BAILLI) A short note on this hearing as it is a situation which is likely to become far more common. Birmingham Claimant had lost a claim for possession against L. They...
Housing and Human Rights Round-Up
Two interesting cases have been delivered by the ECHR in the last few weeks: Mago and others v Bosnia-Herzegovina and Yordanova and others v Bulgaria. Mago The applicants in Mago held tenancies for life of flats within Bosnia-Herzegovina (with the exception...