It is hard to believe that nearly 6 years have elapsed since the Supreme Court heard the appeals in Ali and others v Birmingham CC (our note here), where the Court decided that a decision on a homelessness application involving a dispute of fact was not a...
Affordability and intentionality – adding it up
Samuels v Birmingham City Council [ 2015 ] EWCA Civ 1051 A second appeal from a s.204 County Court appeal that addressed the council's decision-making on whether the property from which Ms Samuels had become homeless was affordable (and thus, whether she was...
You Didn’t Tell Me or How Ignorance of the Law is no Defence
Thanet DC v Grant LTL 2/11/2015 EXTEMPORE (only on Lawtel) This case deals with a small point relating to HMO licensing and prosecutions. It is only on Lawtel as an extempore judgement but is a pretty clear statement of the law. When making an HMO licensing...
Wales – it’s just more appealing
Clarise Properties Ltd v Rees [2015] EWCA Civ 1118 (Lawtel/Westlaw only from what I can see) is an interesting* permission to appeal decision. It appears that devolution has caused an odd little difference in the test for permission to appeal from the UT(LC)...
Look inside Westminster
In which the Nearly Legal team gain exclusive access to a (highly) fictionalised account of one man’s inside view of legislation currently going through Parliament, insofar as it relates to housing *** Morley Peckwitch, Member of Parliament for...
Closure, possession and legal representation
Courtesy of Jim Shepherd of Doughty Street Chambers comes this account of a county court appeal of a Ground 7A possession claim, following a closure order. The appeal of the possession order was partly on the basis that the Defendant could not get legal aid...
When is a deposit repaid?
Our thanks to Bahareh Amani-Kholsari of SSP Law for this interesting County Court possession/deposit case. As per s.215(2A), if a deposit was not protected in the required time, no s.21 notice can be served until the deposit has been returned to the tenant...
Do Right To Manage Baby (Do Unto Others)
Triplerose Ltd v Ninety Broomfield Road RTM Co Ltd [2015] EWCA Civ 282 This is a rare treat for our RTM fan (he knows who he is) - a decision of the Court of Appeal on the right to manage provisions in Commonhold and Leasehold Reform Act 2002. I must confess...
Deposits – the White Book is wrong
The 2015 White Book, (the bible of the Civil Procedure Rules) contains a serious error in the sections on tenancy deposit claims under s.214 Housing Act 2004. It appears that the notes do not correctly deal with the effects of the Localism Act amendments,...
Trial judge and costs. Ooops.
I've heard about a few costs decisions by trial judges recently which might be considered, to put it politely, interesting, or brave, in the Yes Minister sense. So it was with some interest that I read the Court of Appeal decision in Begum v Birmingham City...
Bedroom tax and landlord’s bedroom count – UT again
The Upper Tribunal (Administrative Appeals) seems to have taken an opportunity to re-state, in clear terms, one of the findings of SSWP v David Nelson and Fife Council [2014] UKUT 0525 (AAC) [Our report here]. The key issue was the extent to which the...
End of days miscellany
No, I am not going to comment much on the ongoing, unravelling farce of the NHF 'voluntary deal' on housing association right to buy. Partly because nobody seems to have a clue what is going on and what it would actually mean - apparently including the NHF....