The Leasehold Reform Act 1967 gives qualifying long leaseholders of houses the right, inter alia, to acquire the freehold. The definition of "house" is quite technical, but, in essence, it turns on whether it could reasonably be called a house (even if it...
To be incurred or not to be incurred?
Those with good memories will remember that a year or so ago the Upper Tribunal gave judgment in a case called Om Property Management Ltd v Burr (our note here) in which the issue was at what point in time does a cost became incurred for the purposes of...
Back in time*
I thought the landlord would lose Daejan v Benson, and, as you all know, the landlord won (see our note here). When NL flagged the next case up to me, I predicted the landlord would lose. And it won. Quite remarkably in my view, but, as is becoming clear,...
Would you like ketchup with that hat?
Ok. Confession time. For the last year or so, I have been confidently predicting (often vocally and to unsuspecting passers-by) that the landlord would lose its appeal in Daejan Properties Ltd v Benson [2013] UKSC 14. Well, the landlord won.* And so I have a...
Catching up with the LVT
Sorry (both to readers* and the rest of the NL team) for the delay in getting these done. We've had a few Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) cases over the last few weeks and I've been rather less efficient than I had hoped. So, here goes. LB Southwark v Bevan...
Same old, same old
People who are both regular readers of this blog and interested in the LVT (admittedly a small number) will know that the UT(LC) has been doing the judicial equivalent of laying the smack down on the LVT for deciding cases on points that no-one raised and...
Three of a kind beats two of a pair
Arnold v Britton [2012] EWHC 2451(Ch) is the third holiday chalet / service charge case we've covered in short order (the other two are here and here). Coincidence or evidence of a growth area of work I wonder? Anyway, back to the case. The issue was whether...
This seems to be taking a while
Back in May 2010, we covered the case of Philips v Francis (QBD, Truro District Registry) on whether or not holiday chalets let on long leases were "dwellings" within the meaning of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, and, hence, the service charges payable by...
Post-Christmas lull
Those few days between Christmas and New Year were always quite a lot of fun in our household. You'd finally have the time to catch up on the excellent Christmas TV (i.e. you could watch the hours and hours of stuff you'd recorded on your video player)....
Leases, repairs and ‘errors’
For long leases, outside the provisions of s.11 Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, the repairing obligation of the landlord is limited to the exact terms set out in the lease, as is the extent to which the landlord can recover the costs of repairs from the...
Nothing to see here
Just two short notes on recent UT(LC) cases that I was asked to cover. They're pretty unimportant in the scheme of things, but we do try to be comprehensive. In Freehold Managers (Nominees) Ltd v Piatti [2012] UKUT 241 (LC), the issue was the payment of an...
Welcome to the Property Chamber
Fun and games awaits us on May 1, 2013. You may remember that the government has previously announced plans to merge a range of property-related tribunals (LVT, RAC, etc) into the First Tier Tribunal (Property Chamber) (see our notes here and here). In a...