For long leases, outside the provisions of s.11 Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, the repairing obligation of the landlord is limited to the exact terms set out in the lease, as is the extent to which the landlord can recover the costs of repairs from the...
Nothing to see here
Just two short notes on recent UT(LC) cases that I was asked to cover. They're pretty unimportant in the scheme of things, but we do try to be comprehensive. In Freehold Managers (Nominees) Ltd v Piatti [2012] UKUT 241 (LC), the issue was the payment of an...
Welcome to the Property Chamber
Fun and games awaits us on May 1, 2013. You may remember that the government has previously announced plans to merge a range of property-related tribunals (LVT, RAC, etc) into the First Tier Tribunal (Property Chamber) (see our notes here and here). In a...
My cup runneth over
Now this is just getting silly. We have a third case this year on s.37, Landlord and Tenant Act 1987. Nothing for 20 years and then three in 11 months. In short, this is a power for the LVT to vary residential leases where a qualified majority of occupants...
Right to Manage – the Court of Appeal speaks
Gala Unity Ltd v Ariadne Road RTM Co Ltd [2012] EWCA Civ 1372 is important for those doing long leasehold work. I'm not entirely sure it's right (or, perhaps a better way of putting it, I'm not sure it's a good decision, it may be right within the statutory...
How many times to I have to tell you?
The Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) has handed down two more LVT service charge appeal decisions and, hot on the heels of BCC v Keddie / Crosspite v Sachdev, it rather feels like the UT is on a bit of a mission to establish some general rules and standard...
Lease variation in the LVT
2012 seems to be a bumper year for cases under s.37, Landlord and Tenant Act 1987. Having had (so far as I can tell) none in the previous 20-odd years, we've now had two. The first was covered by us here and the second has just been handed down by the Upper...
Where’s Wally?
The Where's Wally? books are surprisingly good fun. You spend hours pouring over a page (or pages) trying to find Wally as he hides in ever more obscure places. Reading Day v Hosebay Ltd; Howard de Walden v Lexgorge [2012] UKSC 41 did rather feel like a...
Get back in your box
There is, it is fair to say, a degree of inconsistency in the approach and practice of LVTs up and down the country. In particular, some LVT members seem to see it as part of their role to act as quasi-audit bodies, looking into all aspects of the landlord's...
LVT issues – pre-summer holiday round up
This should - I hope - be the last leasehold property/LVT case round up for a few weeks. But it's a good one. I promise. Appeals. Service charges. Consultation. Right to Manage. Who needs "50 Shades" when you've got case-law to enjoy? Appeals Wellcome Trust...
Job Ad (2)
This is, I accept, slightly cheeky, but it occurred to me that our readers might like to apply for the job of President of the new First Tier Tribunal (Property Chamber). Salary is £138,548 (and a judicial pension). The successful candidate will provide the...
Discharging leasehold covenants
Restrictive covenants are, in broad terms, contractual restrictions imposed on the current user/owner of land, often imposed by a former owner of the same land (e.g. Mr A sells a field to Mr B, but includes a covenant preventing Mr B from building flats on...