In Nogueira v Westminster the Upper Tribunal had to deal with a rather odd decision of the First Tier Tribunal (called the "F-tT" in the report - an orthography I shall avoid). To cut what must have been a long story short, the case was about major works to...
Hedonic regression and relativity
The question of the use of hedonic regression in the calculation of relativity is, I suspect, not breakfast table conversation for some of our readers even if it would appear that in the bars of Chelsea they talk of nothing else. The Upper Tribunal's...
Landlord Immigration Checks from 1 December
The Home Office has (finally) announced the 'pilot' areas for the landlord immigration check requirement under Immigration Act 2014. The areas are Birmingham, Walsall, Sandwell, Dudley and Wolverhampton. The requirement will come in to force in those areas...
A short note on leasehold costs
The UT(LC) has published an addendum to Daejan Properties Ltd v Griffin [2014] UKUT 206 (LC) (our note here). The substantive case was about historic neglect. In outline, the leaseholders had won in the FTT and the UT overturned the decision, The UT invited...
Costs and forfeiture
Barrett v Robinson [2014] UKUT 322 (LC) is very, very important decision on costs from the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber). It came out a few weeks ago and I've been promising to do it since then. Sorry. You'll be aware that most, if not all leases, have a...
Indecent homes and major works charges
The DCLG has released the "Social landlords reduction of service charges: mandatory and discretionary directions 2014", in force as of today, 12 August 2014. The upshot of the mandatory directions is that a social landlord which undertakes "repair,...
Register your s.13 notices
The title of this post lacks much creative input, but sometimes it's better to be clear than amusing. The recent decision in Regent Wealth Ltd and others v Wiggins [2014] EWCA Civ 1078 is a clear reminder to practitioners to register notices under s.13,...
Historic Neglect
Daejan Properties Ltd v Griffin & Anor [2014] UKUT 206 (LC) is not, perhaps, the most riveting of Upper Tribunal appeals on service charges, but it does have some useful statements and reminders along the way. This concerned a 3 storey Victorian...
In the garden of Eden
Lawtel had an interesting note on a permission to appeal case earlier this week - Mount Eden Land Ltd v Bolsover Investments Ltd (Ch.D, 20.6.14). Mount Eden Land Ltd (also known as the Langham Estate) had the freehold of an office block. Bolsover Investments...
Come friendly bombs…
Terrorism insurance is an increasingly contentious issue in service charge cases; in short, many leaseholders think it is unnecessary and simply serves to increase the their service charges (and, potentially, acts as an additional source of commission for...
Former landlords and s.20B LTA 1985
In Ground Rents (Regisport) Ltd v Dowlen [2014] UKUT 144 (LC), the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) had to – once again – grapple with s.20B, Landlord and Tenant Act 1985. The facts are quite straightforward. Imagine, if you will, that there is a modern...
Don’t ask the surveyor
Windermere Marina Village v Wild [2014] UKUT 163 (LC) is an important decision about the vexed question of apportionment that arises in many residential service charge disputes. Many residential leases for flats divide up the total service charge bill...