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What he said

Corporate Law appears to be having a bit of a crise. I feel for him. As far as I can tell, Corporate doesn't think his blog has been getting the attention/traffic that it should. If that is the case, then I'd agree. There are very few sites in this...

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Not Exactly a Matinee

Just in case anyone had picked up on the nervous tension from the last post, the result was... a reserved judgment. The others side did indeed try to spring something at the last minute, thankfully this was waved away first thing by the Court,...

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Not Exactly Stage Fright

I've got a trial hearing listed for a full day tomorrow on one of my cases, which has been rumbling on for months due to a whole series of failures by the other side. This is always a nervous moment. Maybe it is my relative inexperience, but from...

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The uses of vanity

Hands up how many readers of the British blawgs had read BabyBarista's blog prior to say four to six weeks ago? No? Me neither. But it has been apparently going since October 06. In a textbook campaign, BabyBarista made himself known though...

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Not just me then

Binary Law doesn't like the Times Online redesign. Good. I loathe it. From intrusive, slow, floating ads (even in Firefox), to an utterly overloaded ad-and-submenu-and-splashspot-laden page, it is dreadful. It makes the Grauniad look like something...

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