In an adjournment debate on Legal Aid reforms on 11 January 07, the following exchange took place: Ms Karen Buck (Regent's Park and Kensington, North) (Lab): The Minister said that 60 per cent. of cases will generate more income, and that is the...
All the blog posts, most recent first
The way we live now
I left this search query out of the last post because the more I thought about it, the more it seemed that this query, and the fact that someone put it into a search engine, somehow crystalised something of Britain in the noughties... supervising...
Obvious filler 3
I'm having a think about a post on housing law and human rights, but I am busy, tired and having to stand up on the train. In a week that brought us exposed judges, the inadvertent end of solitary confinement as the jails fill up, John Reid begging...
Difficult decisions
This weekend, my partner and I were trying to work out what we were going to do with the salsify that turned up in our organic box. It was a step into the unknown which caused some debate, so I have sympathy with John Reid and Charlie Falconer...
Done and seen to be done.
Amidst the detritus of Mayors celebrating evictions for anti social behaviour and the dawn arrest of the PM's political liasion officer, I was struck by two things. One is that Ruth Turner, in common with most of the political class, doesn't know...
Law Search beta available for use.
I've put a link for the code for the custom search engine on the Law Search page. Anyone is free to add the search box to their own pages, and the graphic if they want. The only conditions are that you do not claim authorship or ownership, and you...
La Boheme
Amidst the boredom, misery and frustration of handling new inquiries, one way of sustaining interest is identifying the theme of the day. There usually is a theme, frequently repeated. Generally, the theme is a single capitalised word, Desperation,...
Social landlords seek to avoid disrepair claims. No repairs involved.
Searching for something else entirely, I stumbled across a press release from the Social Housing Law Association detailing their representations to the DCA on funding for disrepair claims, made late last year. Headed "Move to repel tenants' bogus...
Au Rebours
The kindly Family Lore has tagged me with the latest blogger's version of a chain letter, a meme tag. I vaguely recall seeing this one spreading amongst web designer blogs a couple of months ago and then it recently hit the law blogs like mutated...
Blawgs, hurgh, what are they good for?
Navel gazing (or meta blogging) on the future of the law blog seems to be the flavour of the moment in the USA, and on this side of the pond, human law and binary law have weighed in with some thoughtful views on the future of law blogs. With this...
Comment spam
Apologies if you have had problems accessing the site. There is a torrent of comment spam posting going on and it is hitting my server heavily at the moment. None of it gets through, as I use Askimet for Wordpress, but each attempted spam comment...
Off with their heads.
After endless consultations and a unilateral baring of heads by the parts of the High Court, it finally seems that the wig is to vanish from the civil courts. The craniums of judiciary and counsel shall henceforth be as stimulated by the air...