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A useful thing

Entirely thanks to Enquiring Minds, I have found Feedity, which will turn a web page into a RSS feed where it lacks one. Given the lack of RSS feeds for all kinds of legal and government sites, this is a very useful thing if it works as advertised....

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costs outrage

The issues of fees in miner's white finger and respiritory disease claims, following the institution of a compensation scheme, has been rumbling on for some time. All hell seems to have broken loose with the report that Beresfords, a small firm...

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Show me the money

My blog is worth $22,581.60. How much is your blog worth? That should see me through about six months as a trainee. £12K! For my erudesence? Pah. I'm cheap but not that cheap. [Thanks to Tim Kevan of The Barrister Blog]

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Ring out wild bells

And finally... Nearly Legal has a training contract, and mirable dictu, with a legal aid firm (at least pro tem) and to start shortly. I've come over all Fotherington-Thomas. Hello birds, hello sky. It was about bloody time somebody took a punt on...

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A predictably messy aftermath to the great unified contract signing debacle. The LSC extended the deadline to today at the last moment. Why, so that it could pick up some of the hold outs from Friday, expecting them to be thoroughly demoralised by...

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