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Nearly Legal is hosting Blawg Review #115, due out this coming Monday 2 July. The Blawg Review is a weekly travelling round up of the best of the recent blawg posts (or whatever has caught the eye of the host).

Anybody who would like to recommed a blawg post, of their own or by someone else, is more than welcome to do so. It would certainly make my job easier and possibly more crazed with power.

Guidelines and the submission form are at 

The Editor of Blawg Review asks that submissions are made via this page, rather than direct to me, so that if Nearly Legal goes under a bus on Saturday, the proud line of reviews can march on regardless.

Of course, anyone contemplating bribery or wishing to engage in corruption is welcome to contact me directly.

Giles Peaker is a solicitor and partner in the Housing and Public Law team at Anthony Gold Solicitors in South London. You can find him on Linkedin and on Twitter. Known as NL round these parts.

1 Comment

  1. Charon

    Nearly legal… I look forward to reading your blawg review…. as I am independent, not capable of being corrupted, and have no desire to be a government minister… I shall throw myself on the mercy of the court and suggest that if you feel so inclined as to mention me in dispatches…. a brown envelope will be despatched immediately!

    have fun doing it :-)

    Charon QC
    Minister in waiting


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