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Nearly Legal is hosting Blawg Review #115, due out this coming Monday 2 July. The Blawg Review is a weekly travelling round up of the best of the recent blawg posts (or whatever has caught the eye of the host). Anybody who would like to recommed a...

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Regime Change

So farewell then, Anthony Charles Lynton Blair. Some achievements of this last government are not to be dismissed. For example: the Human Rights Act; the minimum wage; civil partnerships; the beginning of the SureStart programme; even tax credits...

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Criminal behaviour

These are tough times for Criminal practices. There are anecdotal reports of floods of practioners trying to get jobs with the CPS, getting out of the profession, or even (shudder) trying to switch to conveyancing (just in time for Tesco Law to...

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England expects..?

A while ago, I put myself down to write one of the weekly Blawg Reviews, as did Corporate Blawg. I thought no more about it. The Blawg Review is largely US based, that being where there are most Law blogs. What hadn't occurred to me was that...

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Spleen 2

Commenting about anonymity on another blog a few days ago, I realised I hadn't posted anything meriting a digital balaclava for ages. Time to put that right, because I have more spleen to throw at the LSC than ought to be anatomically possible. Not...

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