A very interesting article by Francis Davey in September's Legal Action about the Housing Act 2004. The whole piece rewards a read, but two bits caught my eye. We don't do that many private tenancy possession defences, relatively speaking, so these...
All the blog posts, most recent first
Catching up – Disability Discrimination and possession
Time for some substantive law at last. I missed this one while I was on holiday and have just had it brought to my attention. LB Lewisham -v- Malcolm & Disability Rights Commission (Intervener) [2007] EWCA Civ 763. A very interesting case on...
Don't put our client on the stand
_____________________________________ Brief to Counsel to the tune of Noel Coward's Don't put your daughter on the stage _____________________________________ Don't put our client on the stand Mr Worthington, Don't put our client on the stand. The...
The summer of dodgy lawyers continues.
An extraordinary tale in today's Observer. Bruce Hyman, a practising barrister, has pleaded guilty to attempting to pervert the course of justice. The full story is at the link, but what apparently happened was that Hyman, representing a client in...
Moral Idiocy and Human Rights
Clear good sense on human rights and the Chiandamo affair in the Daily Telegraph of all places. (My own earlier take is here). Thanks to Tim Worstall for the link.
We few(er)…
I was running through my blawg roll (on the right) earlier and realised I'd have to have a bit of a prune. Anything with no posts since May goes out, I thought. Blimey, a few surprises there. I'd put some silences down to it (technically) being...
Human Rights – once more with feeling
Another day, another case, another set of screaming tabloid headlines accusing the Human Rights Act of being the criminal's charter, another promise from Little Lord Fauntleroy to 'repeal the Human Rights Act and bring in a British bill of rights'....
It's always the conveyancers you have to watch…
Not content with passing off 'he was discussing insurance in my office' as an alibi for an alleged offence of abduction and extortion by a client in 2005, Shahid Pervez, a Scottish ex-conveyancer now convicted of perverting the course of justice,...
Public funding and rent payable
I meant to post about this one a month ago but got sidetracked. A case for any civil legal aid people to note. Funding Certificates are means-tested. Funding issued by practioners under devloved powers can be and is yanked by the Legal Services...
Time fast and slow
Well that was quick. A few days and an intensive reminder of why I don't like defending ASB possession cases later and the holiday seems like nothing but an eye blink, already distant. Still, it was lovely while it lasted, although it always comes...
Legal Aid, one Judicial Review down…
The Society of Asian Lawyers and the Black Solicitors Network judicial review of the LSC proposals has been settled after an adjournment on the basis that the LSC carry out a full retrospective and prospective cumulative Race Equality Impact...
Waiting for Counsel
(With apologies to Samuel Beckett, Literature, and everyone else) Act 1 Darkness. Lights up. Trainee sitting on a worn vinyl bench, to the right a board on the wall, with sheets of tattered A4 paper pinned to it. To the left a swing door. Trainee...