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Corporate Blawg's Blawg Review is up. I believe the word that I am groping for is "awe", possibly "shock" as well, but definitely mostly awe. [For anyone bewildered by the title of this post, enlightenment may be found here]

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Be good to your mother

So, Denton v London Borough of Southwark [2007] EWCA Civ 623. This won't take long, as the case rests almost entirely on its own facts. Applicant, a 21 year old male, applied as homeless after being thrown out by his mother. First decision, upheld...

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Call me Sibyl

I'm getting the hang of this prophecy thing. As I suggested a week ago, the role of the Attorney General is to be reviewed, and the Attorney General has said she will not be the person who decides on the cash for honours potential prosecution, or...

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Blawg Review #115

Welcome to Nearly Legal. I'm delighted to be hosting Blawg Review for my first time and in the UK for the second time. What follows is the best of recent Law blog posts, as heavily filtered through the pre-occupations of an english, publicly-funded...

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Submit to me…

Nearly Legal is hosting Blawg Review #115, due out this coming Monday 2 July. The Blawg Review is a weekly travelling round up of the best of the recent blawg posts (or whatever has caught the eye of the host). Anybody who would like to recommed a...

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Regime Change

So farewell then, Anthony Charles Lynton Blair. Some achievements of this last government are not to be dismissed. For example: the Human Rights Act; the minimum wage; civil partnerships; the beginning of the SureStart programme; even tax credits...

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