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Scraping a second

I managed to miss an anniversary, a bit like my own birthdays these days. Nearly Legal was two years old on the first of June. Two years! That is positively middle aged in internet years, fittingly making the blog roughly as old as I am. It has...

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LSC to grade advocates?

By an unexpected route, the following landed in my inbox. I haven't heard anything about this, nor had some friends in Criminal so this may be news. What is clear is that the Legal Services Commission are seeking to introduce competence assessments...

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I give in.

I have ignored this question, then I have mocked it. But dammit, the google searches for 'what is Anor in legal terms', or variants thereof, keep flooding in. They are now up to about 15 or more a week. So I give in. Clearly absolutely nobody is...

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On the naughty step

The family firm. It has such a reassuring sound, redolent of values of client care handed down through the generations, and the energy of youth brought under the careful supervision of wisdom. The very best traditions of the local small firm, a...

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