There is an all too common situation. A tenant with the right to buy is offered a capital sum and the mortgage payments for the (in this case) three years needed to avoid repaying the RTB discount on transfer. In the meantime, they either get to...
All the blog posts, most recent first
Faarah Allocation Appeal
This was a judicial review against Southwark's allocation policy, reported in this post, which Southwark, rather surprisingly, appealed. Faarah, R (on the application of) v London Borough of Southwark [2008] EWCA Civ 807 was the result. The issue...
S.204 Appeal out of time
Barrett v LB Southwark [2008] EWHC 1568 (Comm) was an appeal of a dismissed application for permission to make a s.204 appeal out of time on an intentional homelessness decision upheld at s.202 review. For some reason it was heard in the Commercial...
Just passing
I have been and remain extremely busy, but thankfully there has been nothing of significance to post about. I'm toying with a summary of the fascinating and now very, very lengthy comment thread on the Malcolm post, but that too will have to wait....
In passing…
The Housing and Regeneration bill has been amended so that homeless applicants with families who are subject to immigration control will have that family count towards priority need. This will apply for UK/EU/Commonwealth citizens. Good. That will...
Gilboy redux
Gilboy, R (on the application of) v Liverpool City Council & Ors [2008] EWCA Civ 751 is the appeal from the Judical Revew decision noted in this previous post. The appeal, was by general consent, on one issue alone. Does the internal review...
On the naughty step
Having discovered that I am the receipient of John Bolch's coveted post of the month award for the last Naughty Step post, it seemed like time for another. Given that the award was only received due to the unreasonable delay of Geeklawyer in...
The Job Ad
Or strictly speaking the ad for me. I'm due to qualify at the end of September and so I'm hunting for a newly qualified post. Anyone interested in employing an experienced, enthusiastic, dedicated and, casting false modesty to the winds, frankly...
Comments on Malcolm in the Lords
Oh dear, oh dear. That could have gone better. I'm not going to go into great detail on the five separate judgments from the House of Lords in LB Lewisham v Malcolm [2008] UKHL 43, but I do want to look at where it leaves us and what the problems...
Comments on Weaver
Belated, I know, but this is the first chance I have had to really look at the judgment in Weaver (R) v London & Quadrant Housing Trust [2008] EWHC 1377 (Admin). Ground 8 and Legitimate Expectation First the substantive ground of challenge -...
I'm afraid that detailed comments on Weaver and Malcolm, let alone anything else will have to wait until the weekend, just in case anyone was looking for them. Actual and very urgent casework has intervened, involving quite the most ridiculous...
Malcolm in brief
LB Lewisham v Malcolm [2008] UKHL 43 Court of Appeal thoroughly and unanimously overturned. The reason for the treatment is the reason in the mind of the landlord, or one which can be imputed to them. So the landlord must be aware or be imputed to...