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It's not that we've stopped posting lately, it's just that there has been nothing to write about. There is lots to come - Weaver v L&Q in the Court of Appeal, Moran v Manchester, Aweys v Birmingham in the Lords (all heard, I believe, and judgments...

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By way of apology…

There will be some housing law along in a minute, but I've had an email request that prompts a bit of an apology. How, in the employment law blog links, could I have overlooked Daniel Barnett's blog. Daniel Barnett has a valid claim to be one of...

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The end of the road

X v LB Hounslow [2009] EWCA Civ 286. When news of X first reached the NL team, the near unanimous response was one of pleasure at the result. Once we obtained a transcript and saw the reasoning of the trial judge, it became clear not only that an...

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An inconvenient problem

There were lots of good intentions behind the SI making clear that 16/17 year olds are in priority need (The Homelessness (Priority Need for Accommodation) (England) Order 2002 (SI 2002 /2051)). But as a few have pointed out in recent years, there...

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New search tools

The previous live search form that sat in the column to the right was getting a little creaky. The archives on this site are quite large now and it just wasn't returning the results properly, and/or there were too many for it to handle adequately....

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