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Circular allusions and problems with names.


Via Lawyer-2-be (whose name has apparently been lifted by The Lawyer for its student site, alas), I discovered the gloriously named blog Belle de Jure.

Apparently by an off-duty academic lawyer, it’s off to an entertaining start.

According to a recent post, we are to believe that the name was coined without reference to or knowledge of a certain well known blog to book writer of recent times, whom, in the circular nature of things, I mentioned way back when in the context of a discussion of anonymous blogging, a topic which is currently also troubling Belle de Jure.

Happy to though I am to believe that no reference to the London based courtesan/écrivain of negotiable virtue was intended, surely the Buñuel/Deneuve classic cannot have been overlooked?

MarianneDeneuve, of course, went on to be a model for Marianne, the spirit of the French Republic and thus the rule of Law over Royal despots. Judging by Belle de Jure’s link list, that may be a more acceptable allusion.

Giles Peaker is a solicitor and partner in the Housing and Public Law team at Anthony Gold Solicitors in South London. You can find him on Linkedin and on Twitter. Known as NL round these parts.


  1. lawyer-2-be

    Hi NL – have just read your post with interest. Please elaborate on your reference to the ‘lifting’ of the lawyer-2-be name?! I wonder if this has any connection to the fact that my site traffic has pretty well quadroupled in the last 2 days… L2B :-)

  2. Belle de Jure

    Thank you, Nearly Legal, for your generous post. I am afraid that the Bunuel/Deneuve classic was entirely overlooked, although the allusion to the revolutionary spirit is pretty accurate!

    Your post on anonymity is excellent.

    Best wishes,


  3. lawyer-2-be

    Indeed, it looks a trifle fishy! I’ll put a brave face on it though – if it increases my site traffic then it can only be a good thing, I think! L2B

  4. Charon

    Unfortunately The Lawyer has had Lawyer 2 Be as a magazine for about three years!. No cause of action here!



  1. Family Lore - Nearly Legal. Belle de Jure (not to be confused with the blog Belle de Jour, which relates to soliciting of…

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