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How not to pick a fight

Let us say you were a large US company, looking to throw around your intellectual property muscle for a quick buck by putting a licensing squeeze on small companies. If so, it is probably best not to pick on a small tech company headed by an ex-litigator...

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In what must be probably the worst experience a paralegal could ever have, Penny Wadsworth has inadvertently caused the collapse of a 5 defendant, £100,000 drugs trial [Guardian Report]. The 'Kennington Rastafarian Temple' trial had been running for 4 weeks...

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No more than expected

LSC introduces new IT system to file matter start funding claims. System promptly doesn't work. Three months later, system still doesn't work. Any idea when it will work? Errrr no. So we send in Excel forms instead. LSC says "It's not working as well as it...

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The hopeful LiP

Although the energy to do proper case comments has deserted me until tomorrow, I couldn't resist this exchange, which is just about all that is reported of Bedi, R (on the application of) v London Borough of Hounslow [2007] EWHC 3311 (Admin) MR JUSTICE...

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Obvious filler 6

My occasional attempts to get cheap laughs at the expense of passing bewildered internet searchers are getting more difficult. Virtually all of the search terms that have brought people here recently are legally related and most even make sense. I hate it...

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Green Ink and old Olivettis

With my usual and frankly uncanny ability to be a couple of days ahead of the zeitgeist, I posted on litigants-in-person a few days ago, only to see the Guardian do a feature piece on LiPs today. Granted they put a little more effort into it, and actually...

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Human Rights for customers

Undertaken at the request of the DCA (as was), the MoJ has published the findings of its 'Human Rights Insight Project'. The BBC did a story on it, and the publication can be found on the MoJ site here. There are a number of things to cheer in the report,...

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