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New home

Apologies for any disruption you may have encountered in getting to the site over the last day. We have moved to a new server (again, courtesy of the lovely Tessa Shepperson of Landlordlaw, who very generously provides our hosting for free). The new server...

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Please do not adjust your set

Some behind the scenes updates - which had to be done - mean that the blog is going to look not entirely like its usual self for a few days (fonts and font size, some layout etc.), till I can get to grips with some coding oddities. Probably this weekend. I...

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New news

I've been having a bit of a play. You may notice a new page tab for "Housing News Feeds" above. This has the RSS feeds of various housing related sites and blogs, so they will be constantly updated with any new items. Hopefully, it will be worth checking...

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Oh what a tangled web…

[Edit. This was originally posted on Friday evening 16/11/07. Not that I'm getting all conspiratorial but it disappeared in the great site downtime and server change... There was also originally an image, which has vanished from the server and apparently was...

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Rumours of my demise…

... were entirely due to a technical hitch. Admittedly a walloping great big technical hitch which lasted 3 days and was only resolved by the site being moved a new server and the Domain Name Server records being updated. But as of 11.30 pm on Monday, the...

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Oi, you, Pipex Internet

This has nothing to do with law, but sometimes a personal howl of frustration must be let loose. The topic is crappy internet service providers. To be specific, Pipex Internet. I am a Pipex subscriber, although not for very much longer. I have been for...

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Oooh Shiny

How did I spend the bank holiday? A new wordpress theme (self-modified K2), new layout and some very shiny additional toys. Try, for instance, the search box at the top right. Oh yes - direct page update ajaxy goodness. Likewise try the archive page (via the...

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It speaks…

I have just had the great pleasure of doing a podcast with Charon QC, talking about mature entry to the law, the LPC and recruitment, and legal aid. I also made a faltering attempt to explain the tolerated tresspasser issue. The podcast is now up on his...

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Please, No. It's just wrong.

My jaw dropped at this post from Lo-fi librarian. You must see the post for lo-fi's screenshots. Also in the Times Online. Field Fisher Waterhouse have opened an office in Second Life. This is just wrong in so many ways. The media hype about 'real world'...

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A useful thing

Entirely thanks to Enquiring Minds, I have found Feedity, which will turn a web page into a RSS feed where it lacks one. Given the lack of RSS feeds for all kinds of legal and government sites, this is a very useful thing if it works as advertised. I have...

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