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Oooh Shiny


How did I spend the bank holiday?

A new wordpress theme (self-modified K2), new layout and some very shiny additional toys.

Try, for instance, the search box at the top right. Oh yes – direct page update ajaxy goodness.

Likewise try the archive page (via the top menu), then try selecting date (and sub date) or categories (and sub category. Again instant update fabulousness thanks to ajax. [Having the archives effects turned on broke the permanent link structure. Sorry to anyone affected. Links to posts here should work again now. 9/5/07]

It has taken a day and a bit of fiddling to get it all to work, and it does as far as I can tell. Let me know if it doesn’t work for you (browser, OS and detailed notes please). Obviously you need javascript turned on.

There is much fine tuning of the style of the blog to come, but the change is worth it for that search facility alone.

Giles Peaker is a solicitor and partner in the Housing and Public Law team at Anthony Gold Solicitors in South London. You can find him on Linkedin and on Twitter. Known as NL round these parts.


  1. lawyer-2-be

    Looking good! When I do a revamp of mine in the summer vac I may have to pick your brain! Search tools – very swanky… L2B :-)

  2. Free Movement

    Looking good. I envy your ability to add widgets to your site. WordPress does seem better than Blogger in many ways, but it is at least possible to add custom widgets to Blogger.

  3. contact

    This is WordPress. Check out the K2 theme beta for WordPress at I don’t know if it is available for, which I believe you use. By and large wordpress is a lot more customizable than blogger, but sometimes you do need to know what you are doing, or be able to work it out from vaguely related issues thrown up by google.

    Plus it has taken some hacking in the code guts of the thing to get it largely functional. I might not know php and javascript, but I now know roughly how to tell what not to remove…

    The work continues, as it looked iffy in explorer 6. A good eleven hours spent on this so far, (so over £1300 at inter parte rates).


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