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Happy happy

I can't resist the third person, so.. Nearly Legal has an assistant solicitor post in a damn good housing department in a good firm now sorted out for post-qualification in October. No, I'm not telling you where, nor am I casting aside anonymity. Not now...

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The Job Ad

Or strictly speaking the ad for me. I'm due to qualify at the end of September and so I'm hunting for a newly qualified post. Anyone interested in employing an experienced, enthusiastic, dedicated and, casting false modesty to the winds, frankly damn good...

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Scraping a second

I managed to miss an anniversary, a bit like my own birthdays these days. Nearly Legal was two years old on the first of June. Two years! That is positively middle aged in internet years, fittingly making the blog roughly as old as I am. It has been quite a...

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On the naughty step

On the very crowded naughty step this week are the Solicitors Regulation Authority, the Law Society and, umm, firms of solicitors in general. Shahrokh Mireskrandari, senior partner of Dean and Dean, has launched a claim for £10 million against the SRA and...

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No more than expected

LSC introduces new IT system to file matter start funding claims. System promptly doesn't work. Three months later, system still doesn't work. Any idea when it will work? Errrr no. So we send in Excel forms instead. LSC says "It's not working as well as it...

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Hierarchy of Need

I haven't posted about the Shelter staff dispute until now, partly because I was hoping it would be resolved and partly because I had little to add. I have been prodded into posting by a comment by Mark P. As he observes, Shelter management are in the...

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Green Ink and old Olivettis

With my usual and frankly uncanny ability to be a couple of days ahead of the zeitgeist, I posted on litigants-in-person a few days ago, only to see the Guardian do a feature piece on LiPs today. Granted they put a little more effort into it, and actually...

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I may be some time…

Very very busy and very tired, I currently come home and just stare blankly at the demanding voracious maw of the blog monster-child. Being too shattered to come up with anything to stuff down its greedy gullet, I can only feel guilt at its piteous cries of...

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Busy gets its reward

A very long, frantic and difficult day, without any lunch, but successful in a way that means the last week and a half of intense busyness was, in retrospect, worth it. I can't give details, not only for reasons of anonymity, but because matters aren't yet...

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