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Do you wanna be in my CLAN

Some of those of us metaphorically stripped to the waist at the civil legal aid coalface will be impressed or envious at the fast work of Scott-Moncrieff Harbour & Sinclair, who have decided that it is better to pre-empt the Legal Services Commission's...

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Obvious filler

I ought to be drafting a brief to Counsel that is needed tomorrow, and I will, I will, but as a distraction activity, it is time for the fall back post of every lazy blogger - a trawl through the search engine keyphrases log. Genuine search click throughs...

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Art and copyright 2

Following on from this post, which suggested a strong incompatibility between contemporary art practices and copyright law in terms of the potential failure of copyright to cover some contemporary art, I'd like to take a quick look at the reverse - how...

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Of urban CLANS

Interesting whispers are circulating about the planned direction for civil legal aid funding, previously discussed here. The initial plan for Community Legal Networks, or CLANS, was that these would be supported for rural areas and advice deserts. Firms...

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