I have an email from Ellie Precious. On the plus side, that is a response within 36 hours of my original post. Not bad as a damage limitation reaction time. On the minus side, it was an email, not posted as a response to the post, which shows a continued...
Eleanor Precious doesn't really like me.
Today I got an email from Eleanor (or Ellie) Precious, which enclosed a press release on a survey of law firms' views on the likely effects of Age Discrimination law on their firms. I'm not going to link to it here, for reasons that will become obvious, but...
Sometimes I’m not a nice person.
Nobody sets aside my default judgements. Oh and costs as well? Thank you. If you ever imagine Nearly Legal as a person, then imagine that homunculous dancing a little dance of triumphant joy, whilst repeatedly slapping the humiliated opponent with an...
What did you say?
I've been to Court a few times over the last week or two, including a several day trial (on which more another time, as there were interesting arguments involved). Across these hearings, there have been some significant concerns raised over witness...
Banned from court!
The Law Society's 'what price justice' campaign hits a snag when solicitors are banned from wearing these small, well designed and unobtrusive badges in Magistrates' Court Actually, on closer inspection, it turns out to be a great PR opportunity based on one...
Vanity Fair (somewhere in the 1st terrace of hell).
Nearly Legal made the blawgreview 86. I am Becky Sharpe, albeit a Becky with a trumpet of her very own. (I do realise possession of a trumpet with intent to play equates less to social climbing minx and more to nuisance neighbour.) Still, as someone who has...
Law Search
I've been toying with the idea for while, since I discovered Google Co-op. Why not a search engine dedicated to legal resources/information/commentary, bringing together the scattered information and comment that is already out there? So, with a small parp...
The price of virtue
is wearing this rather uninspiring thing. Nonetheless, you may see it here quite often.
Left at the altar.
As Nick Holmes and Family Lore have noted, the Times Law blog appears to have unceremoniously vanished, 404ing without even so much as a goodbye. I hope that something new is planned, although in retrospect the difference between the blog and the Times law...
Even solicitors don't like solicitors
I was alternately amused and vaguely saddened by an article in the Law Gazette on the public's continued perception of solicitors as only slightly higher up the ladder of moral evolution than estate agents. As a profession, Which? have found, solicitors are...
Legal Aid. Not funny. At all.
Now we know that the Lord Chancellor's vow to the Law Society that changes in non-criminal legal aid were postponed for a year only apply, post 'clarification', to Family, it is time for a serious look at the new contract for civil legal aid. First of all,...
Better (too) late than never
After dipping its toe in the water of protest with a petition, as previously mentioned, the Law Society has finally decided that a campaign to defend legal aid might be in order. Only a year or several late, but I'd urge everyone to add their support, write...