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Botox and peel.

I have had a bit of a re-design. I think the look is better and hopefully easier to use. It took me a bit further into the bowels of Wordpress than I was planning, but it seems to be running fairly well. Any problems, please let me know.

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Irony in passing.

I know I shouldn't, but working on the litigator's instinct of putting the boot in, here is a quote from the 'CEO' of Netrank, taken from this Guardian article: John Straw, chief executive of online brand positioning company Netrank, says it advises its...

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What did you say?

I've been to Court a few times over the last week or two, including a several day trial (on which more another time, as there were interesting arguments involved). Across these hearings, there have been some significant concerns raised over witness...

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Banned from court!

The Law Society's 'what price justice' campaign hits a snag when solicitors are banned from wearing these small, well designed and unobtrusive badges in Magistrates' Court Actually, on closer inspection, it turns out to be a great PR opportunity based on one...

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Law Search

I've been toying with the idea for while, since I discovered Google Co-op. Why not a search engine dedicated to legal resources/information/commentary, bringing together the scattered information and comment that is already out there? So, with a small parp...

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Left at the altar.

As Nick Holmes and Family Lore have noted, the Times Law blog appears to have unceremoniously vanished, 404ing without even so much as a goodbye. I hope that something new is planned, although in retrospect the difference between the blog and the Times law...

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