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We few(er)…

I was running through my blawg roll (on the right) earlier and realised I'd have to have a bit of a prune. Anything with no posts since May goes out, I thought. Blimey, a few surprises there. I'd put some silences down to it (technically) being summer, but...

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Time fast and slow

Well that was quick. A few days and an intensive reminder of why I don't like defending ASB possession cases later and the holiday seems like nothing but an eye blink, already distant. Still, it was lovely while it lasted, although it always comes as a bit...

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Waiting for Counsel

(With apologies to Samuel Beckett, Literature, and everyone else) Act 1 Darkness. Lights up. Trainee sitting on a worn vinyl bench, to the right a board on the wall, with sheets of tattered A4 paper pinned to it. To the left a swing door. Trainee wrestles...

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Double-take Corner

We can categorically state that we have not released man-eating badgers into the area. And "MR JUSTICE PETER SMITH: No, if you are going to say my conduct in court is quite remarkable, you have to say why. In which way do you think my conduct has been...

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Corporate Blawg's Blawg Review is up. I believe the word that I am groping for is "awe", possibly "shock" as well, but definitely mostly awe. [For anyone bewildered by the title of this post, enlightenment may be found here]

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