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New home

Apologies for any disruption you may have encountered in getting to the site over the last day. We have moved to a new server (again, courtesy of the lovely Tessa Shepperson of Landlordlaw, who very generously provides our hosting for free). The new server...

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Legal Walk 2015

So, we have another five years in which it seems unlikely that access to justice will be a priority. The London Legal Walk on 18 May 2015, raising funds for a range of not for profit access to justice organisations and projects is therefore more important...

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No comment

Bounce message received for one of our email updates. I think it was this one (in which I tried so hard not to swear, but may have said damn. Also I mentioned Grayling). "Message blocked due to profanity content. Working with others we are improving quality...

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The site had been getting a bit unwieldy lately as things got added - the downloads, the bedroom tax page and so on - plus the ever burgeoning archives. Then there were glitches with the email updates for subscribers. So, I have done a bit of a revamp, with...

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Email subscription problems

There appears to be a problem with update emails going out - at least for the last 3 or 4 days. This is not a problem with our end of things, but there is no acknowledged problem by the provider of the email update service (Google, via feed burner). The...

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Obligatory figures.

Before we resume our usual erratic service after the holidays*, time for the usual end of year review. Astonishingly, visits to NL continue to increase. I thought we had pretty much reached saturation - and thus a plateau - for what is a niche readership....

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