The Regulatory Committee of the HCA has published Protecting Social Housing Assets in a More Diverse Sector, which is styled as a discussion paper, but which also contains some thought-provoking questions about how regulation can and should work in a much...
Not So Great Expectations
We are all aware that there is no general entitlement to permanent accommodation via the Part VII route (R v Brent ex p Awua). So it is interesting to find a s.204 appeal where it was argued that the Appellant had a legitimate expectation of permanent...
When fraud is not the operating cause of a person’s homelessness
Chishimba v RBKC, Court of Appeal, March 25, 2013, [from a lawtel note - not on bailii yet] concerned an appeal brought by a homeless applicant. The issue was whether Ms Chishimba had become intentionally homeless. Ms Chishimba approached the authority for...
Article 8, Undue Influence and much, much more…
The recent case of Birmingham CC v Beech contains a wealth of legal issues but sadly for the Defendant, none of them was decided in her favour. Mrs Beech's parents had been joint tenants of a 3 bedroom property at 31 Tilshead Close, Birmingham since 1967....
Would you like ketchup with that hat?
Ok. Confession time. For the last year or so, I have been confidently predicting (often vocally and to unsuspecting passers-by) that the landlord would lose its appeal in Daejan Properties Ltd v Benson [2013] UKSC 14. Well, the landlord won.* And so I have a...
The Tolerated Trespasser Rides Again!
OK, so the title of this post may be an exaggeration of what is only a passing reference to an old friend in Fareham BC v Miller [2013] EWCA Civ 159. But it is interesting to see it used as part of the 'nuts and bolts' of an Article 8/proportionality...
Catching up with the LVT
Sorry (both to readers* and the rest of the NL team) for the delay in getting these done. We've had a few Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) cases over the last few weeks and I've been rather less efficient than I had hoped. So, here goes. LB Southwark v Bevan...
What a tangled web…
[Update 22/01/2014 - Anyone concerned with proceedings brought by Mr Ghopee under any company name should see this new post] Since our post on Barons Finance Limited, we've heard various things about the property and landlord related activities of Barons...
Without lawful authority? The houseboats strike again
People live in boats. In some cities, such as Cambridge and London, living in a houseboat may be an affordable way somewhere where house prices would otherwise make that impossible. On so slender thread as that we at nearly legal have reported a number of...
Same old, same old
People who are both regular readers of this blog and interested in the LVT (admittedly a small number) will know that the UT(LC) has been doing the judicial equivalent of laying the smack down on the LVT for deciding cases on points that no-one raised and...
Post-Christmas lull
Those few days between Christmas and New Year were always quite a lot of fun in our household. You'd finally have the time to catch up on the excellent Christmas TV (i.e. you could watch the hours and hours of stuff you'd recorded on your video player)....
Costs and s.204 Appeals
None of us I think can be blamed for presuming that in statutory homelessness appeals, costs ought to follow the event. It seems, though, that not all judges view appeals in this way and the Court of Appeal will shortly be looking at this issue in the case...