Following the announcement yesterday evening, here is the 117th Practice Direction Update to the Civil Procedure Rules – Coronavirus Pandemic related. This introduces Practice Direction 51Z The Master of the Rolls and the Lord Chancellor have signed Practice...
All housing possession claims suspended from 27 March – Coronavirus update.
(Update 27 March. For the details of the stay, see here on the new Practice Direction 51Z ) Well now, this is big (and also finally, it would seem, some clarity). According to this MHCLG press release from this evening: From tomorrow (27 March 2020)...
Emergency legislation on possession claims
I've seen the draft amendments to the Coronavirus Bill on housing possession. A word of caution, this was a draft from 22 March, not the actual amends due to be put forward today 23 March. I was waiting for those to be made public to check, but that has not...
Working on homes
As of today, 20 March 2020, section 9B(4) of Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 means that the section 9A 'fit for human habitation' obligation applies to all periodic and secure tenancies in England that existed on 20 March 2019 and are ongoing. This means that...
No new possession claims (for at least 3 months)
The Government has just announced emergency legislation to do the following: Stop any new possession claims (social and private tenancies) being issued at court for the next three months (at least). Introduce a new pre-action protocol for possession claims,...
Emergency measures
Ahead of the government introducing the bill for emergency Coronavirus related measures later this week, Labour have published a draft bit of legislation which addresses the position of (most) renters where they fail to pay rent due to effects of the...
Conceptualising damages for housing conditions – they don’t add up.
We don't often run 'think-pieces' (this may be too generous a description), at least not when unattached to new case law, but the ongoing transformation of 'disrepair' into 'housing conditions' claims has got me (and I know others who write here) thinking...
New Pre-Action Protocols coming! Social Possession and Housing Conditions.
[Update 13 Jan. The new protocols are out and in force today - Housing Disrepair (England), and Social Landlord Possession Claims ] Be still my beating heart, there will be two new/revised pre-action protocols on 13 January 2020. There will be a revised...
2020 then. The years keep coming, with uncaring relentlessness. Still, putting a brave face on it, I shall combine the roles of soothsayer and almanac for what is likely to be a busy year for housing law. First, the things that we know will happen and when....
Après nous le déluge – rents and water resellers
Royal Borough of Kingston-Upon-Thames v Moss (2019) EWHC 3261 (Ch) Ever since Jones v London Borough of Southwark (2016) EWHC 457 (Ch) (our report), the position on water rates taken as rent by a number of London Councils and Housing Associations under...
Tribunals and human rights
RR v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (2019) UKSC 52 The question of the powers of the First Tier and Upper Tribunals (and indeed initial decision makers) to disapply secondary legislation where there is a breach of the appellant's human rights has...
Discrimination in ‘one succession’ for secure tenancies
Simawi v London Borough of Haringey (2019) EWCA Civ 1770 We saw this case in the High Court - our report here - now this is the court of appeal judgment on Mr S' appeal, seeking a finding that there was discriminatory treatment in the Housing Act 1985...