Yesterday the House of Commons debated a Conservative Party motion on housing waiting lists: That this House notes that social housing waiting lists have increased to a record 1.8 million families, over 4.5 million people, over the last 12 months; recognises...
Bankruptcy and disrepair
In the end, I couldn't resist writing this one up from the report in January 09's LAG updates. It is a very late report and only a County Court decision, but is a) just too topical for these insolvent times and b) vaguely technically interesting. Lambeth LBC...
Councils bribing tenants shock!
In apparent confirmation both that the Times is now a tabloid newspaper and that today was a quiet news day, this was the lead story in Saturday's Times. I'll just quote the opening sentence: Council tenants are being offered £30,000 bribes or cottages by...
Ask and ye shall receive
Yesterday evening I asked for more information about Dixon v Wandsworth LBC (No 2) [2009] EWHC 27 (Admin) and, by the next morning, two copies of the transcript had made their way to my inbox. My gratitude to The Chief and to William Flack of Flack & Co,...
Desperately Seeking Dixon
Garden Court chambers have a note of a case called Dixon v Wandsworth LBC [2009] EWHC (Admin) 27. It isn't on Bailii, Lawtel or Casetrack. I know that some Garden Court people read this blog and if anyone has more information about it (or a transcript)...
Alam v LB Tower Hamlets[2009] EWHC 44 (Admin) is one of those interesting cases that you get in allocations - well, interesting because a council like LB Tower Hamlets should probably know better than to have an obscure clause in its allocations scheme which...
Local Housing Authorities to build new homes… perhaps
Local government finance is a fascinating area. Honestly. Those local housing authorities which still retain housing stock are required keep records of their housing income and expenditure. They also operate a Housing Revenue Account ("the HRA"). The HRA is...
On the naughty step – on tour
Nearly Legal's naughty step has recently taken the complicated, slow and interrupted trip from Norwich to North Wales. It is is with reluctance, several changes of train, and a painful recovery of repressed traumatic memory that we now find ourselves in the...
Ahmad v Newham in the Lords
R (Ahmad) v Newham LBC is being heard in the Lords on Monday 19 January and Tuesday. This is an important case on allocation policies and cumulative need. See our post on the Court of Appeal decision here. We'll report on the outcome as soon as...
Knowsley v White etc. in more detail
Knowsley HT v White, Honeyghan-Green v LB Islington & Porter v Shepherds Bush Housing Association [2008] UKHL 70 - for anyone who hasn't read it yet. There is lots to unpick here, so I'll go case by case. It is made easier by there being pretty much one...
On the naughty step
Please welcome to the naughty step the head of housing for Norwich City Council, Kristine Reeves, along with other council officers. Why? Some pernicious housing policy or dodgy choice based letting scheme? No. Ms Reeves took a rather more personal interest...
Tolerated trespassers in the House of Lords
For once we were well and truly beaten to the line in publicly announcing a judgment, and in this instance most deservedly so. At about 11 am at the Housing Law Conference Jan Luba QC announced the result of Knowsley HT v White, Honeyghan-Green v LB...