We've been told that on 29 July 2010, the tenant appellant in Godfrey v A2 Dominion North Ltd was granted permission to appeal. Quite what permission has been given is less clear - our source says Court of Appeal, but the case was elsewhere listed as being...
Succeeding to a joint tenancy
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council v Hickin [2010] EWCA Civ 868 Where there are two joint tenants of a secure tenancy, of whom one has left and no longer occupies the property, and the remaining tenant in occupation dies, can that tenant's adult child...
Lets All Move to….Wales*
A small victory for the Welsh Assembly this week. They had been trying to get a Legislative Competence Order past Westminster to transfer a series of powers relating to social housing. This was lost in the sweeping up week prior to the dissolution of...
The Monk habit
Lana Wilson v London Borough of Harrow [2010] EWHC 1574 (QB) This was the combined permission/appeal hearing in the High Court from a first instance hearing by a CJ of a defence to a possession claim based on an NTQ served by a joint tenant. The principal...
Housing Benefit limits
You've probably already seen this, but new upper limits on housing benefit rates are to be introduced from next April (2011). For a three bed house, the upper limit will be £340 per week For a four bed house, the upper limit will be £400 per week LHA will be...
The quietus of the tolerated trespasser
Austin v London Borough of Southwark [2010] UKSC 28 It has been a long story for Mr Austin and a long, long, long story for the tolerated trespasser. But this Supreme Court judgment should be the last time the Supreme Court is troubled by the legacy of...
Re-entry and re-opening: updates from Legal Action
June's Legal Action housing updates have a bumper collection of interesting county court cases, as you'll already know. For our archives, this is the first of a couple of posts. This one deals with cases on post-eviction re-entry and on re-opening possession...
How binding is a s.125 notice?
Nessa v London Borough of Tower Hamlets [2010] EWCA Civ 559 This is an interesting appeal on the issue of the amendment or replacement of a S.125 Housing Act 1985 notice offering the right to buy at a specified price. The actual case itself is not...
A locked room mystery
LB Lambeth v Emeter [2010] EWCA Civ 527 [not on Baili, note from a transcript] This was a renewed permission to appeal hearing which foundered on Mr Emeter's complete lack of Agatha Christie-esque skills in plotting, detail and making evidence ambiguous. Mr...
Disrepair Quantum – Ombudsman
Local Government Ombudsman Report Report ref 09 005 422 Harlow District Council Ms S was Harlow's secure tenant. Due to a leak, the ceiling in her daughter's bedroom became damaged, in danger of falling and unsafe. Despite Ms S's complaints, Harlow did not...
Access to Justice
An anecdotal rant, for which forgive me. Sometimes one needs to vent, but this is hardly an unusual situation. It is 'just' an example of the viciousness of the public funding boundaries. I've combined a few instances in what follows, and changed details for...
Events, dear boy, events…
A couple of bits of news. First, John Healey, the shy and self-effacing Housing Minister, announced his intention to make unlawful sub-letting a criminal offence. That said, the DCLG press release rather jumps the gun by describing the sub-lettings as...