Rutherford & Ors v Secretary of State for Work And Pensions [2014] EWHC 1613 (Admin) This was the judicial review, supported by CPAG, of the failure of the bedroom tax regulations to address the position of tenants where a bedroom was needed for...
How much is a secure tenancy worth?
London Borough of Lambeth v Loveridge [2013] EWCA Civ 494 We are appallingly late with this one, and have no excuse. But this case has just been given permission by the Supreme Court, so this is a good moment to make amends. Mr L was the secure tenant of...
Bedrooms, tribunals and article 14
Today brought a torrent of (well, two) First Tier Tribunal bedroom tax/LHA appeal decisions. Both are decisions on Article 14 grounds, and in one case, there is a detailed set of reasons for distinguishing MA & Ors, at least at High Court level. A...
More Bedroom Tax FTT cases.
A couple more FTT appeal decisions, also added to the FTT decision page. Liverpool - room size decision [Decision notice], 52 sq ft too small to be a bedroom, supported by photos. Also notably decides that HHSRS standards apply to social housing as well as...
Dining (bed) rooms
Just to note that a couple of First Tier Tribunal decisions from Glasgow have been added to the FTT decisions page (and can be downloaded here). In both the FTT decided that the use of a downstairs room as a dining room was long established, since the...
Bedroom tax news
The Liberty backed Judicial Review of the bedroom tax on grounds of Art 8 discrimination against separated families has been given permission. There have been a few FTT decisions on this ground (see the FTT decisions page), so the JR will be quite decisive....
Ignoring the Court of Appeal?
[Update 9 June 2014. The Statement of Reasons in this case is here. Well worth considering.] There has been an odd bedroom tax development, one on which details are tantalisingly still absent. Mr & Mrs Carmichael have won their appeal to the First Tier...
Disrepair: La luta continua!
2013 was a difficult year for claimant disrepair. Changes in legal aid funding have made it all but impossible to pursue a disrepair claim under legal aid alone, as funding is only available for an order to carry out repairs to where there is serious risk to...
Disrepair – counterclaims after possession order.
Here is an interesting prospect* (and a big tug of forelock to Beatrice Prevatt at Garden Court for the initial suggestion). Can a counterclaim for disrepair be brought after a possession order is made? Conventionally, we've thought that a counterclaim...
Let’s all talk about Wales
We don't often publicise events here, but given that this one involves at least couple of the NL team, we are damn well going to. Housing Law: The Welsh Devolution Effect 1st May 2014 Cardiff Law School, Museum Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3AX A one day...
Child’s rooms and odd rooms
I've added a couple of new bedroom tax First Tier Tribunal decisions to the FTT page. There is a Newcastle decision (Reasons here. Known as the Isos decision after the landlord who supported the appeal) which is a separated family decision. The appellant's...
A game of forfeits
The flexible tenancy, that marvellous and oxymoronic invention of the Localism Act, is now in place and in use by a number of Councils. The last time I considered flexible tenancies it was largely about how they were created and how they were terminated at...