We have had confirmation that the appeal of the decision in Richardson v Midland Heart (our detailed note here), on shared ownership, assured tenancies and leasehold interests, has been discontinued. Rumour has it that there is another appeal in a similar...
Repeat Players
[with apologies to the most cited, and brilliant, socio-legal article: Marc Galanter, "Why the 'haves' come out ahead: Speculations on the limits of legal change"] Mr Justice Beatson dismissed a renewed application for judicial review in R(Husband) v...
Unlawful Eviction, exemplary damages and why people don’t like estate agents
Islam v Yap and Others. Claim No: TLQ/09/1130. High Court, 20 November 2009. This was a claim for unlawful eviction and a tale worthy of a play by Ben Jonson. There were no less than 5 defendants, and such superfluity necessitates an opening description of...
Continued incompatibility
Readers with a long memory (relative to the general standards of the 21st century) will recall that there was a finding in Connors v UK (2004) that the law that meant that travellers on Local Authority sites could be evicted without the court overseeing...
Trigger happy?
In Barber v Croydon LBC [2010] EWCA Civ 51, the Court of Appeal found Croydon's decision to pursue possession proceedings of a non-secure tenancy occupied by Mr Barber Wednesbury unreasonable, being by my estimation the third such successful use of a gateway...
How did this happen?
.... or something to that effect, is what I imagine HHJ Purle QC said when he got the papers in Pick (Trustee in bankruptcy of Sharon Sumpter) v Sharon Sumpter & George Sumpter, Chancery Division, 3.2.10 - Lawtel note only The claimant, as trustee in...
Tenancy Deposit Protection on Sale and Leaseback
A recent case promises to be the first to the Court of Appeal on the issue of tenancy deposit protection.
New(ish) Section 21 Case
BAILII has recently added a case from November 2008. In Chohan v McManus [2008] EWCA Civ 1657 the Court of Appeal was considering what constituted occupation of premises for the purposes of an Assured Tenancy. The facts were that Mr McManus occupied a room...
Jackson: the waiting begins
'What!' I hear you say, 'wasn't the final Jackson report on costs released on 14 January?' Why yes it was. All 584 pages of it. But amid the headlines about scrapping CFA success fees and recoverable ATE insurance premiums, introducing contingency fees, and...
It's a confused world out there…
And for the new year, it seems an opportune moment to delve into the Nearly Legal search logs in a vaguely quixotic attempt to provide answers to some of the questions that brought people here. Alternatively, where this is not possible, we can stare in mute...
Ending 'Horsham' possessions?
The Ministry of Justice has issued a consultation document on a proposal to require mortgage lenders to obtain a court order or the consent of the borrower before repossessing and selling residential owner-occupied homes. (The consultation document is here)....
Pinnock Permission
We've just heard that Pinnock in Manchester CC v Pinnock has been given permission by the Supreme Court. Our note of the Court of Appeal case is here ([2009] EWCA Civ 852). We had wondered about permission after Central Beds v Taylor was refused. I would...