As of April 2012, all Civil and Family Courts in the London region (and apparently throughout England and Wales) will be changing the opening times of the court desks. They will be open only between 11 am and 1 pm. According to HMCTS: Court users attending...
What is “Sheltered accommodation”?
I confess never to have thought too deeply about this question, but it is clearly important and not exactly free from doubt. In Oxford CC v Basey [2012] EWCA Civ 115, the question arose for the Court of Appeal in the context of the range of payments which...
Local pitches for local people
R (McDonagh) v Hackney LBC , Administrative Court, February 15, 2012 [not on bailii - taken from a Lawtel note] concerned a claim for judicial review brought by a traveller against Hackney's policy regarding the allocation of its caravan pitches for...
Pigeons in the flat alas*
Siveter v Wandsworth LBC (2012) CA (Civ Div) 16/02/2012 [Not on Bailii yet, just a Lawtel note] S was the secure tenant of Wandsworth in a 4th floor flat. She had complained to Wandsworth about pigeons nesting outside her flat, in a cupboard that had an...
Glad To See Y’Back Again?
Gladysheva v Russia (App. No. 7097/10) Courtesy of the always excellent ECHR blog, comes an interesting Strasbourg decision, particularly in relation to the question of just satisfaction. It has, regrettably, taken me ages to write this up. Any students who...
Successful gateway (b) defence!
London Borough of Southwark v Hyacienth 22.12.2011 is that incredibly rare, beautiful thing: a successful gateway (b) defence to a mandatory possession claim in relation to an introductory tenancy. At least, I think it is: unfortunately, it's not clear...
R (R) v Croydon LBC – A call for information
In R. (R) v Croydon LBC, February 10, 2012, Administrative Court [not on bailii - taken from a lawtel note] the Administrative Court was asked to determine whether the applicant was a former relevant child for the purposes of s.23C Children Act 1989. The...
Sale and Rent Back: Closed down!
Many of us believed that once the FSA got its teeth into the sale and rentback market, it would be cleaned up and become effectively a residual (perhaps forgotten) backwater of the impact of debt on home owners. Unregulated transactions have given rise to...
HB and necessaries
Wychavon DC v EM is a double decision, so to speak, by Judge Mark on a housing benefit matter, with broader implications regarding incapacity. In essence, EM is profoundly disabled (mentally and physically). Her parents moved her from a care home, with...
“I could be a lawyer with stratagems and ruses”*
Wasted costs orders are scary things. There is the censure by the Court, of course, but worst of all, the solicitors then have to pay and, no matter how much or how little, that rips shreds out of the very essence of their being. Threats to pursue wasted...
Section 20B again…
Om Property Management Ltd. v Burr [2012] UKUT 2 (LC) [not yet on bailii - we've got a transcript] was another case concerning the interpretation of s.20B, Landlord and Tenant Act 1985. Section 20B is of course the provision that renders service charges...
Vexatious litigants in the LVT
In Attorney General v Singer & Singer, Divisional Court, January 24, 2012 [taken from a lawtel note - not on bailii], the Attorney General sought a civil proceedings order, under s.42, Senior Courts Act 1981, against Mr & Mrs Singer. The effect of...