Assorted things... MHCLG have published guidance for tenants, landlords and local authorities on the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018 - or as they call it, 'the Homes Act'. There are separate guidance documents for tenants, landlords and local...
Universal Credit – more woes
I may well be late to the party here, but a couple of specific issues with Universal Credit have been pointed out to me that I, at least, had not heard before. So, in case I am not alone, I pass these on. They both amount to a significant departure from the...
Bedroom Tax – the powers of the Tribunal and a sufficient chest of drawers
Two bedroom tax related decisions - the first of which is a decision of widespread import on the powers (or lack thereof) of the First Tier Tribunal. The Secretary of State for Work And Pensions v Carmichael & Anor (2018) EWCA Civ 548 The was the SoS...
The Bedworth bedroom conundrum
Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council v RH and Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (2017) UKUT 471 (AAC) A very interesting (and perhaps surprising) Upper Tribunal 3 judge decision on the issue of 'what is a bedroom' for the purposes of Housing Benefit...
“Real misery is being caused to no good purpose”
DA & Ors, R (On the Application Of) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (2017) EWHC 1446 (Admin) This was the judicial review of the 'reduced' benefit cap - £20,000 pa outside London, £23,000 in London, brought by claimants who were all single...
Bedrooms, river beds and more
A few things... In case you didn't see it through email or social media, I wrote a long piece about social housing in the aftermath of Grenfell Tower, which is on a separate page at that link. In Scotland, the Inner House of the Court of Session heard an...
Doing the same thing twice, expecting different results.
After some noises in the press that a reconsideration was underway, the government, via the DWP, has decided that it is going to go ahead with removing housing benefit (or rather 'housing costs element' of Universal Credit) from anyone under the age of 22....
Questions and Answers
O, R (on the application of) v London Borough of Lambeth [2016] EWHC 937 (Admin) A judicial review of a decision on a s.17 Children Act 1989 assessment of a homeless, non-eligible family. The issues were the extent of investigations required, and legitimate...
Misc on taxes – council and bedroom
Some notes on council tax liability and bedroom tax Upper Tribunal cases. Council tax - how do you go about setting aside and/or appealing a council tax liability order? It turns out to be far from straightforward (you might already have known this. I...
Foxtons declare war on the homeless
The London Evening Standard has a story which is simultaneously unsurprising yet startling in its blatancy. A landlord had entered an agreement to let the property through CityWest Homes - Westminster Council's housing entity. This was the private letting...
Preferring Burnip: Discrimination without justification
Rutherford & Ors, R (On the Application Of) v Secretary of State for Work & Pensions [2016] EWCA Civ 29 The Court of Appeal tackles the bedroom tax and discrimination again, and, a year on from MA & Ors, there is quite a difference. The two...
Rents and Equality. Barnet, again.
It appears that Barnet Council (via the Mayor's casting vote) are determined to carry on with their plan to raise rents for council tenants, new and existing, to 80% of market rent or top of LHA rates, whichever is lowest. We previously spent some time on...