There have been a fair few recent (and perhaps no-so-recent) decisions from the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) on leasehold matters, so it's time for a bit of a round up. Actually, it was time for a bit of a round up back in August when I started this post...
For this relief, much thanks
The Manchester Ship Canal Company Ltd v Vauxhall Motors Ltd (2019) UKSC 46 Just a quick note to record that the Supreme Court has held that the equitable remedy of relief from forfeiture is not restricted to those with a proprietary interest (lease/tenancy,...
Rent payments, unless orders and relief from sanction
This is not really a housing case, being a commercial lease dispute, but there are a couple of points about relief from sanction and rent payments that are worthy of noting. Michael v Lillitos (2019) EWHC 2716 (QB) An appeal from a County Court decision on...
No relief and unbalanced windfalls
Timbo v London Borough Of Lambeth (2019) EWHC 1396 (Ch) This is another in our occasional series of cases where residential leaseholders have had their leases forfeited and not obtained relief from forfeiture. (For other examples, see here, and here). As...
Freeholder rights of access to leaseholder’s premises to carry out works
Oxford City Council v Dr Piechnik, County Court at Oxford, 31 July 2019 (Unreported elsewhere, we've seen the judgment.) Oxford CC is the freehold owner of a 15 storey block of flats. Some 16 of 85 flats are now held by long leaseholders on right to buy...
Harassment and hot water for leaseholders
Grateful thanks to September 2019 edition of Legal Action - Housing: recent developments for this one. Whale and others v Maunder Taylor and Northwood Hall RTM Company Ltd, County Court at Central London, May 2019 Mr Maunder Taylor was an FTT-appointed...
Once bitten, twice (or thrice) shy
Moorjani & Ors v Durban Estates Ltd & Anor (2019) EWHC 1229 (TCC) (and also extempore judgment of 30 July 2019, on Lawtel). We have encountered Mr Moorjani before, successfully establishing that in disrepair claims, liability for loss of amenity...
Gimme Gimme Gimme
Curo Places Ltd v Pimlett (LANDLORD AND TENANT – service charges – tenancy agreement of a bungalow in a sheltered housing scheme) (2019) UKUT 130 (LC) Another Upper Tribunal case on a landlord adding additional services and charges to assured tenancy...
Don’t go changing…
Wilcock v The Guinness Partnership Ltd (2019) UKUT 146 (LC). This is an Upper Tribunal appeal on the meaning of 'variable service charge'. Mr W had an assured shorthold tenancy of a flat from Guinness. The tenancy agreement provided that the landlord would...
Misc – talking about Fitness, new section 21 notice, and leasehold shenanigans
This will be a busy few weeks for me on the Homes(Fitness for Human Habitation) Act. On the off chance that anyone wants to hear and question me and others on the Act, here are some dates and details: 15 May 2019 - HLPA meeting, with Steve Lawrence of the...
Song from under the floorboards*
Fouladi v Darout Ltd & Ors (2018) EWHC 3501 (Ch) Although the judgment is dated December 2018, this has just appeared - a case on the perennially vexed topic of noise from a flat above. In fact it is an appeal and cross appeal on a county court judgment...
Landlord’s access and actually turning up
New Crane Wharf Freehold Ltd v Dovener (LANDLORD AND TENANT – clause in lease required tenant to permit the landlord to enter) (2019) UKUT 98 (LC) What counts as 'refusing access', where a landlord has a contractual right to access on notice? This rather odd...