Thanks to Tessa Shepperson for noticing this in yesterday's Times. Granted I haven't read any more of the report than this. Who knows, it may even have some interesting and useful insights or information to offer. But it seems unlikely. I'm not at...
All the blog posts, most recent first
Tolerated trespassers: A Luta Continua
As previously pointed out, it was never going to be easy dealing with the great host of tolerated trespassers left in the wake of Harlow v Hall. But the variation in local authority policy in regard to their TTs is immense. Some authorities more or...
Know your usher.
Off to court tomorrow, standing in for a colleague. I'm quite looking forward to it. I haven't been for a few weeks as all my cases are on adjournment. An inner city County Court on a busy list day, a local authority possession day for instance,...
Oh, for pity's sake
Vera Baird says she was wrong to say that judges are liberal wusses. Attorney General says 'ok that's all right then and some sentences are too lenient'. Who knew the bench would snap back? Meanwhile, the prisons will be as full as a commuter train...
Tolerated Trespassers – the aftermath
[Edit. As it turned out, this was part 1 of a continuing series. See the bottom of the post] Little of this is likely to come as a surprise to anyone involved in housing law, but the after effects of Harlow DC v Hall [2006] EWCA Civ 156 rumble on....
Sally Field
Nick Holmes at Binary Law has blogged me. Blimey. "Looks like it could be a good one ". No pressure then. I'm surprised, but then again, I suppose that there aren't so many UK legal blogs to enable a new one to be overlooked. I'm going to save more...
EU Citizen and Homeless?
There was briefly a loophole. If, somehow, an EU citizen in England was on Income Support and became homeless, there was a way they could be eligible for housing assistance from local authorities under the Homelessness (England) Regulations 2000,...
1. Vendemiaire Part 1. Wither Legal Aid?
First day of the new regime, as the firm where I worked is absorbed into another larger firm. All the usual issues over supervision, disbursements, etc., etc.. All the necessary adaptions to working practice, culture of firm etc., etc.. But beyond that, the whole takeover represents a more serious symptom of what is happening to the sector that does publicly funded work, particularly for civil legal aid.
Hi, excuse the state of the place.
A bit barren and basic, I know, but I've just moved in. I'm still looking for the kettle in the boxes marked kitchen and we'll have to put up with the curtains that were there when I moved in for the moment. I *think* the tea cups are in the third...