This story rumbles on, with several features in today's Guardian, here, here, and here. The paper sees fit to pitch it as something of a moral dilemma, before finally plumping for one side. The terms of the 'dilemma' go something like this. Very...
All the blog posts, most recent first
To end the year – a meme
Thanks to Lex Scholasticus at Reductio ad Absurdum, I have been tagged with another blog meme thing. In a surprising bout of pre-new year generosity, I will both respond and entirely fail to tag anyone else. I am called upon to list 8 things I want...
Blawg Review Nominations
This year's Blawg Review awards are apparently to be awarded to one Blawg on the basis of nominations from solely those who have hosted or are shortly to host a Blawg Review. Having closely followed the instructions of the anonymous Ed of Blawg...
RCJ evicts thousands…
From The Times, 12 November 1866 The extensive and complicated network of lanes, courts and alleys covering the area bounded east and west by Bell Yard and Clement's Inn, north by Carey Street, and south by the Strand and Fleet Street, lately...
Omar update
Craig Keenan from Community Law Partnership has added another comment to my original post on Omar -v- Birmingham CC to the effect that funding may be forthcoming for a House of Lords appeal. Also the key issue, which is whether Councils can rely on...
Christmas rush
It seems I wasn't the only one frantically getting cases progressed before the holiday break. The Court of Appeal has been churning out judgments at an extraordinary rate. Amongst them one housing law judgment... Green & Anor v London Borough...
amicitia reverto (sic)
So, Belle de Jure and Lawyer-2-be, although apparently tired of being respectively scandalously homophonic and hyphenated, are back. I somehow thought it was only a matter of time before one or both broke cover. Now conjoined, although thankfully...
Of orthopaedic footwear and possession orders
Not a particularly significant case, but not one you see every day either. Nuisance by adverts for wigs, orthopaedic footwear, and dating agencies. Accent Peerless Ltd v Kingsdon & Anor [2007] EWCA Civ 1314 was an appeal of an outright...
World famous round these parts
Nearly Legal has a comment piece in the Solicitors Journal. (No subscription needed for the next week). Fame, yes, fame at last. In an anonymous sort of way.
Human Rights and Possession Claims – looking for the exception
The latest case to test the Connors, Kay and Doherty formulations on human rights defences to possession cases (see here for previous post, including the comments) has just had its Court of Appeal judgment released. I would assume that Smith (On...
Proprietary Estoppel yet again
Blimey, who declared this Estoppel month? The latest is Powell & Anor v Benney [2007] EWCA Civ 1283. Although the case itself is not that interesting, the judgment is worth a look as it gives a clear overview of the Court of Appeal's current...
"Reasonable to Occupy" – Nipa Begum revisited
In Waltham Forest v Maloba [2007] EWCA Civ 1281, the Court of Appeal has revisited the issue of 'reasonable to occupy' in terms of the homelessness provisions of Housing Act 1996. Briefly, the facts were that Mr M had lived in the UK since 1989 and...