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How not to pick a fight

Let us say you were a large US company, looking to throw around your intellectual property muscle for a quick buck by putting a licensing squeeze on small companies. If so, it is probably best not to pick on a small tech company headed by an...

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Shala revisited?

London Borough of Wandsworth v Allison [2008] EWCA Civ 354 is a Court of Appeal judgment on an appeal from a s.204 Housing Act 1996 appeal. It was made in downright odd circumstances, as the respondent had won the s.204 appeal but then had public...

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In what must be probably the worst experience a paralegal could ever have, Penny Wadsworth has inadvertently caused the collapse of a 5 defendant, £100,000 drugs trial [Guardian Report]. The 'Kennington Rastafarian Temple' trial had been running...

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Blogging to death?

Apparently some high output bloggers have been dropping dead, leading the New York Times to blame the pressure of blogging. but as Jeremy Blachman points out, 'middle age geek who never leaves their computer has heart attack' is a somewhat less...

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