Another in Nearly Legal's sporadic attempts at being helpful to passing internet searchers. All the questions are genuine searches from the logs, including the rather puzzling 'crinoline flint', which perhaps gives more insight into the searcher...
All the blog posts, most recent first
Forthcoming events…
NL may well feature more news of upcoming housing law events, seminars, workshops etc. etc. in the future. I have more or less decided that we'll have a separate page for them. Anyone who wants their event etc. etc. listed on Nearly Legal is...
Shared Ownership – Midland Heart with benefit of transcript
The earlier post on this shared ownership possession case, Richardson v Midland Heart Ltd, (November 2007 Birmingham) attracted a lot of comment, some of it excitable and ill-informed (and much of that from me). Nearly Legal now has a copy of the...
On the Naughty Step
Or an RSL behaving badly, again. And this time it's personal... 21 Press House, Press Road LON/00AE/LSC/2007/0292 [pdf], an LVT decision. The landlord, Stadium Housing Association, were facing an application over hefty service charges made on an...
Harvey v Bamforth – now with the benefit of a transcript
Harvey v Bamforth 8PA13344, HHJ Bullimore, Sheffield County Court, 8 Aug 2008 When we first commented on this case (here) we provoked quite a response. Thanks to to Mr Jones of Bury Walkers (who acted for Ms Harvey) we have now been provied with a...
A shameless plug: HLPA Conference 10 Dec 2008
The Housing Law Practitioners' Association annual conference is being held on the 10th December 2008 at the Royal Institute of British Architects, London. Those of you who subscribe to Legal Action should already have had your application forms,...
Views and news from Hlpa meeting
The Hlpa meeting tonight (17/9/08) was a particularly interesting one, on the topic of disrepair. Talks were from Mel Cairns, Andrew Brookes of Anthony Gold and Marina Sergides of Garden Court. Among the end of meeting news items were: The current...
Lack of ownership in shared ownership
[Edit 15/09/08. It now looks like the following judgment is a) being appealed shortly and b) may only have been a County Court judgment, not High Court - this latter point is not clear but reliable sources say County Court] [Edit 18/09/08. In the...
Weaver un-appealed?
[Edit 16/09: We now have contrary information, also 'authoritative' in source, also unconfirmed, that the appeal is going ahead. So, until we have further info, your guess is as good as ours.] Thanks to Ethan at 'That Snail..' for passing on...
Alternative sites – the burden of proof
South Cambridgeshire District Council v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government & Ors [2008] EWCA Civ 1010 was an appeal of a High Court decision on Judicial Review of the decision of an Inspector in the appeal of a planning...
CBL Guidance – More Thoughts …
Well, Nearly Legal asks and the CLG deliver. We posted a note on 12 August, when not much was happening, asking why the new CBL guidance hadn't seen the light of day (with some scurrilous thoughts), and a couple of weeks later it was published...
Unsung heroes?
Under the banner of 'Unsung Heroes', LAPG is inviting nominations for the 6th annual Legal Aid Laywer of the year awards. The categories are Criminal Defence Mental Health Family Legal aid firm/not-for-profit-agency Young Solicitor Barrister...