[Update 03/04/2011 - the Court of Appeal decision on the further appeal in this case is here.] Makisi v Birmingham City Council (Birmingham County Court Appeal Ref: BM9 0166A, 6 Jan 2010) This was the County Court hearing of a s.204 Housing Act...
All the blog posts, most recent first
Rent arrears, transfers and Weaver in operation
McIntyre & Anor, R (on the application of) v Gentoo Group Ltd [2010] EWHC 5 (Admin) This was the judicial review of North Sunderland Housing Company's refusal to permit an exchange of homes by the Claimants, joint assured tenants, with another...
It's a confused world out there…
And for the new year, it seems an opportune moment to delve into the Nearly Legal search logs in a vaguely quixotic attempt to provide answers to some of the questions that brought people here. Alternatively, where this is not possible, we can...
Ending 'Horsham' possessions?
The Ministry of Justice has issued a consultation document on a proposal to require mortgage lenders to obtain a court order or the consent of the borrower before repossessing and selling residential owner-occupied homes. (The consultation document...
That was the year, that was…
But we're not going to do a 'roundup of the year' kind of post. It is all searchably there and anyway, we've already linked to one (although it is probably subscribers only by now). Instead, I just wanted to gaze at our collective navel a little...
Service charges up, enfranchisement down: some LVT statistics
As food for reader's thought as 2009 draws to an end, a quick comment on a recent written answer given to the Shadow Housing minister Grant Shapps. Since many readers' will be full of seasonal fare I thought some pictures rather than words would be...
The HRA and precedent
We've been a bit slow on this one, but R v Horncastle [2009] UKSC 14 offers further light on the quarter pounder v royale with cheese debate, which has occupied much of our time this year. J noted that R v Purdy suggested that the UKSC would offer...
Birmingham Council Gatekeeping, with benefit of transcript
Kelly & Mehari v Birmingham CC [2009] EWHC 3240 (Admin) [Not on Bailii yet, available on Lawtel] Following our note here (and the very helpful comment to it) we've got the transcript of the judgment. (In fact I've had it for a few days, but it has...
Care homes, consultation and the DDA
Boyejo & Ors, R (on the application of) v Barnet London Borough Council [2009] EWHC 3261 (Admin) This was the conjoined hearing of an application for Judicial Review of both Barnet and Portsmouth Councils, both JRs bought by Yvonne Hossack and...
How late did you leave it?
Not a post about Christmas shopping, (which is all done, thanks to Amazon) but about delays in lodging appeals against ASBOs and the case of R (Birmingham CC) v Birmingham Crown Court; R (South Gloucestershire DC) v Bristol Crown Court [2009] EWHC...
Family allocations
Now, personally, I intend to chuck my kids out as soon as possible and return to "normal". But, for Mrs Ariemuguvbe, this was not possible because her children were subject to immigration status and had no recourse to public funds (no doubt, they...
They do things differently over there
Rodriguez v (1) Minister of Housing (2) Housing Allocation Committee [2009] UKPC 52 is perhaps most remarkable for needing to get as far as the Privy Council before a sensible decision was made. The second respondent was a statutory body...