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First of all, a guilty secret: I love Silk, the BBC show.  It makes my Tuesday nights.  It is completely and utterly implausible but take it for what it is - fiction and drama - and it's a great show.  After a late Supper, my partner called me and...

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A Return to Parliament Square

The Mayor of London (Greater London Authority) v Haw & Ors [2011] EWHC 585 (QB) You may remember that there has been some previous litigation (the most crucial of which we reported on here) between the Mayor of London and various persons protesting...

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The Schleswig-Holstein Question

As Lord Palmerstone might have said: "Only three people have ever really understood this eligibility business - the Prince Consort, who is dead - a German professor, who has gone mad - and I, who have forgotten all about it." That, frankly, sums up...

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Why are they there?

Hemans & Anor v Windsor and Maidenhead Royal Borough Council (2011) CA Civ Div 2 March 2011 [Lawtel note of extempore judgment. Not on Bailii yet] This was an appeal by Windsor of the first appeal of a Housing Act 1996 s.202 review...

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