Tolui v London Rent Assessment Panel [2011] EWHC (Admin), [2011] All ER (D) 126 (Dec) [On Lawtel, not on Bailii yet] Or how not to go about challenging a Rent Assessment Panel decision. Mr T is the landlord of a rent act protected tenancy. In 2009...
All the blog posts, most recent first
Let’s all move to … Wales
We have previously commented on various housing and homelessness developments in Wales. These have been individual interventions into homelessness and the legislative competence order giving legislative housing powers to the Assembly. Moves are...
Annual rituals
Happy new year to all who read, comment on or write for Nearly Legal! This is usually a moment to take stock of the past year and look forward to the next, but I'm feeling far too lazy to do it properly. Luckily, the DCLG have made the task easier...
Policy, possession and proportionality
Denry Okpor v London Borough of Lewisham, Bromley County Court 25 October 2011 [Transcript not publicly available] This was a rolled up permission to appeal and appeal hearing (on which more later) for appeal to a Circuit Judge from a possession...
When everyone agrees
Southwark LBC v Leaseholders of the London Borough of Southwark [2011] UKUT 438 (LC) [not yet on bailii] was an appeal brought by Southwark against the decision of the LVT (our report here) not to grant them dispensation from complying with the...
You better watch out, You better not cry
Just when I thought we weren't going to have a seasonal story this year. Westminster Council have ridden to the rescue. A new proposal, announced by the eminently sane and reasonable Councillor Phillipa Roe, is that from April 2013, Westminster are...
When Age is Not Just a Number Part II
Hot on the heels of the KN v Barnet report is the Court of Appeal judgement in R (CJ) v Cardiff CC [2011] EWCA Civ 1590 (judgement handed down on 20/12/2011). The High Court proceedings were reported here. The important aspect of this appeal is the...
When Age is Not Just a Number
Regular readers may have noted that these pages have been quiet on the subject of age assessments and the entitlement to services under the Children Act 1989. The fact-finding hearing in The Queen (KN) v LB Barnet [2011] EWHC 2019 (Admin) was heard...
Estoppel and s.2 – will we find out?
In the Summer Dave and David Smith posted about the case of Kinnear v Whittaker in the High Court. Bean J allowed an appeal against the summary disposal of a possession claim where the defendant had raised proprietary estoppel as a defence. This...
Laying the foundations (2): RTB
Push the bad news out just before Christmas seems to be a pretty good rule of thumb. Our previous post on the housing strategy, Laying the Foundations, led to a number of comments about the right to buy proposals in that document, which were all...
Adams v LGO
I need to make the obvious pun about the Adams family but the monsters in this particular case were really played collectively by Lambeth. The case is R on the application of Janet Adams v The Commission for Local Administration for England. This...
How Gratuitous is Your Licence
Potter v Dyer [2011] EWCA Civ 1417 This is another rather sad and complex case with a fairly convoluted set of facts. Mr & Mrs Potter (senior) acquired a farm and farmhouse as a single unit in 1947. In 1966 they let the whole of the farm and...