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Auto-bids and Lettings Choice

The Administrative Court has recently given judgement in the conjoined applications of Rouse Tout a Tout  and Heff v LB Haringey, which concern the lawfulness of the auto-bid system operated by LB Haringey in the allocation of their permanent...

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More than a minor problem

We have news of a recent, and rather important, county court case concerning the termination of a tenancy which had been purported to have been granted to a minor, but who had since turned 18. The case in question is Croydon LBC v Tando. You may...

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It never rains but it pours

The ECHR has recently delivered its judgement in Kolyadenko v Russia , which (apart from demonstrating the reach of the ECHR jurisdiction to the remote corners of Asia) is a useful case applying principles we would recognise under the rule in...

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Monk, ECHR and Article 8

Dixon v UK has now reached a conclusion in the ECHR with an Order made on 21/2/12 removing the case from the lists under Art 37 (1)(c) of the Convention. This Order is the Court's response to a unilateral declaration made by the UK government on...

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