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The Wasteland*

April is the cruellest month, breeding LASPO out of the dead land, mixing Memory and despair, stirring Dull anger in its train. Winter left us bare, covering Estates in fears and so, feeding An edge of life with dread of worse. Summer no surprise...

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Tell me a storey

London Borough of Islington v The Unite Group Plc [2013] EWHC 508 (Admin) This is an interesting appeal in relation to the counting of storeys for HMO licensing purposes. It actually repeats an argument dealt with in an appeal in a criminal...

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In the teeth of it …

In El-Dinnaoui v Westminster CC [2013] EWCA Civ 231, the Court of Appeal found that the offer of a flat on the 16th floor of a block to a household which contained a person with fear of heights was perverse.  The offer of accommodation was "in the...

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A brief interlude: The disaster

While my NL colleagues are reporting hard law and dealing with lots of important stuff, with so much more to come, I have but a mere puff to offer for a Friday afternoon.  It's about the new government website to which departments, including DCLG,...

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